Some questions about magic

Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:12 pm

I started my magic character and I have a few questions:

- How do I get better spells? I've become and Apprentice in a few schools, but still only have access to Novice spells when purchasing tomes.
- I'm a little curious as to how each school gains XP towards that skill. Can someone improve my understanding of the following?
--- Conjuration gives me some when my summoned creature is conjured while in combat, right? When else does it earn XP? When it is hit? When it does damage? etc?
--- Restoration gives XP per HP healed/blocked, right?
--- Destruction gives XP per HP landed on a hostile target?
--- Illusion and Alteration, I'm clueless on. I know that doing a bunch of Magelight spells was able to raise my Alteration a level, so that's something.

What's the best way to earn enchanting XP? Disenchanting, or making something? Does a stronger item mean for more XP, or is it like Smithing, where anything counts as a set number of XP?
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:40 pm

magic so far as I know levels when it takes effects, if it affects a target it gets points when it hit the target, if it affects you it levels when it does that, I assume summoning you only get points for doing the summoning.

and I assume tomes are level/store bound, higher rank tomes most likly require higher level and/or stores in bigger cities.
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Lily Something
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