» Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:24 am
Agreed, I would even go so far as to say I prefer the Oblivion one and that was pretty shocking. While it is definately playable the fact I went from a single player game (Skyrim) to an MMORPG (WOW) and the controls were much faster responding and smoother on WOW pretty much says everything. The UI was specfically designed for console users and then just tweaked to support a mouse and keyboard. I like the screenshot of your proposed UI and just hope the modding community comes up with a nice, bug free UI soon. I just think it is pretty shocking that PC users have to rely on modders to get a half decent UI.
I do love this game, but cannot help but wonder how much better it could have been if it was specifically designed for the PC, with a unique UI and taking full advantage of DX11 and the increased performance capabilities.