Thinking of getting the game

Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:12 pm

So i have played and loved both skyrim and oblivion, now i'm thinking of getting morrowind but im wondering first of all if either gonna have get it on pc, or buy an original xbox, or is there another option. Also the factions force you to have high skills in order to increase in rank, so how fast to skills increase especially for someone who generally joins every faction. I'm also wondering about the general difficulty of the game, is just as hard as oblivion or skyrim or is it much more challenging. Thanks!
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:41 am

Morroiwnd is much more slower-paced than both Oblivion and Skyrim, there is no hand holding (no quest markers, no location markers on the map beside cities and biggest points of interest), there is no voice acting beside greeting and idle voices. Combat is dice-based, ie. the chance to actually hit an enemy is based on paleyer and enemy's skills and attributes, not the player's skills. But there is outstanding amount of lore, content (books, dialogues, objects) and the art desing is really great and different than random medieval fantasy world.
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Tiffany Carter
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