So I completed the dream world in Through a Nightmare, Darkly. I was sleeping in the bedroom in Silverhome. However, when I woke up I was locked in the bedroom with no key and no lockpicks (i know i know i should have had some), and unable to use the bed because i "can't sleep in an owned bed" so what the hell am i supposed to do now??? My only saves are either within the dreamworld or ~30 hours earlier in my game (a game i'm 35 hours into). I don't know what to do

there has got to be a way to resolve this issue and get me out of this freakin bedroom but I cannot figure it out. I tried bashing down the door, using spells (unfortunately I don't have unlock spells or the skeleton key, FML) waiting for hours, summoning creatures, trying to get people to open the door from the outside; I even tried transferring my game save to the computer and editing that to give me some lock picks but i didn't get very far with that. Literally nothing is working and I'm at my wit's end. If I can't figure anything out I'll probably just stop playing because there's no way I'm redoing 30 hours. It just pisses me off that a glitch had to ruin my entire game experience. Someone please help me.
Also im on the ps3 GOTY edition.