Has anyone actually lost a weapon by being disarmed? It happened to me last night. I lost my favorite sword down in a dungeon that way. Ticked me off. I spent like 45 minutes searching the small cave and never found my sword. Checked my inventory over and over again, still no luck. Just wondering if it has happened to anyone else.
Thankfully I had a decent backup 1 hander in inventory.
No, but I have been one shot "slow motion killed" by a random bandit who should barely have been able to hurt me. That took me by surprise, I thought "slow motion kill" was something that only the player could do.
Hmmm, funny you bring this up. I shouted disarm into a crowd and accidentally disarmed Lydia. We searched around for 15 minutes. Couldn't find that darn sword!! No idea where it went.
Happened to me once. It took me a while to find the sword, but I knew it could only be in the room I lost it in. Found it stuck between a static pile of junk and the wall under a dead body.
When I did the amulet quest I ran into this issue. I got disarmed three times during one of the fights and ended up running franticly thru the dungeon looting swords and axes off corpses trying to defeat the svcker. I ended up losing two of my nice crafted orc maces. The next encounters in the quest string I only used weapons off corpses and kept my good stuff in my inventory. :toughninja:
I was more excited about how the fights played out then mad about losing the weapons.
One of my companions lost my Ghostblade this way. I didn't realize until much later that it had happened, and even after a thorough back track through the dungeon I couldn't find it. Needless to say
that [censored] got them volunteered to be my human sacrifice quest completer for that Boethiah daedra sidequest.