I must have goofed my search on the Nexus because I hadn't seen that before. I'm doing things the hard, non-extended way right now but I've made a few requests that will make the bag much easier to script for. If you've got input, I'd love to hear it. I bet I'm not thinking of some handy functions to request for NVES, so if you've got ideas, maybe you could chime in in that thread?
BETA 4 is coming along nicely. I ran into a big problem after BETA 3 with handing the bag to a companion. They don't get the weight added in any way. I've got a fix. It's not pretty but I think it will improve things overall until the script extender is released. Then it's just coding in the rest of the sort lists and it should be ready for release.
Well, I haven't got FO:NV yet (can't afford it right now), so I can't look at how you're doing anything.
First off, you'll need a SetWeight function. FOSE had it, you might want to get a request in to NVSE for that.
My Gunny Sack weighs .1 lbs empty. If the player adds 10 lbs to it, I did a SetWeight on the Gunny Sack to .1 + 10.
The catch was, the modified weight was not saved in the save game, so when the game was restarted, the weight of the Gunny Sack reverted to .1.
To fix that, I had to use a quest running all the time that used a GetGameRestarted (FOSE) to reset the weight.
I had talked to behippo about how to get around that, and he said that the save game file to save such data would be added in version 2 of FOSE... but the project was dropped before it got that far.
I'm hoping that Steam Cloud doesn't complicate the matter by controlling your save games online. We will just have to wait and see how the SE gurus handle it.
If you're having any specific issues, I'll be glad to help (if I can).