Went through 4 computers since 2006 and still get bad fps.

Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:49 pm

Just upgraded from a laptop with a i5 450m and 5870m to a desktop with x6 1055t 2.8 ghz, 6870 1gb, 4gb ram and i STILL cant get constant 60 fps. The game stutter like CRAZY, and i get crazy lag in the imperial city or any city in general. I dont even max the game out i run most of the settings on high. I swear whenever i go near npc's the game slow down by like 30fps, and yes i have the latest patch/fan patch. all the optimization mods, latest drivers etc etc. Could it be that my disk is pretty scratched up? I heard something about the game doesn't run well with quad core or something?
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:28 am

Just upgraded from a laptop with a i5 450m and 5870m to a desktop with x6 1055t 2.8 ghz, 6870 1gb, 4gb ram and i STILL cant get constant 60 fps. The game stutter like CRAZY, and i get crazy lag in the imperial city or any city in general. I dont even max the game out i run most of the settings on high. I swear whenever i go near npc's the game slow down by like 30fps, and yes i have the latest patch/fan patch. all the optimization mods, latest drivers etc etc. Could it be that my disk is pretty scratched up? I heard something about the game doesn't run well with quad core or something?

The game disk is only read at launch to ensure you have the original disk so no that is not the problem -- what type of HDD do you have in the system and is it a single HDD or multiple drives - from the sound of it you are having problems that result from the HDD not being able to supply the game with info fast enough to keep running at higher speeds when it is reading alot of info from the HDD - IF you have 2 HDDs try separating the game files onto a different physical drive than the OS and swap file are on.
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u gone see
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:48 am

just one hdd 7200 500gb, and i honestly dont think its hdd i mean 4 computers... comon now.. could it be that the game is badly optimized? Do you get 60+ constant?
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:23 pm

just one hdd 7200 500gb, and i honestly dont think its hdd i mean 4 computers... comon now.. could it be that the game is badly optimized? Do you get 60+ constant?

You are never going to get a constant 60+ fps with this game. You shouldn't need 60+ fps in order to play the game smoothly.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:26 am

You are never going to get a constant 60+ fps with this game. You shouldn't need 60+ fps in order to play the game smoothly.

On average, I get about 45 fps and find it very playable. But I run a bunch of overhaul mods like MMM and a ton of other script heavy stuff. I peak at 61 fps. There are times when I'll see 15-17 fps. That's when it gets annoying. But anywhere from 30 up is quite playable and enjoyable.
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Kevin S
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:28 am

There is no doubt at all that the game engine could use a rework. Probably why Beth is using a different engine for Skyrim...... For oblivion, anything over about 20FPS is eminently playable. I can run 60 inside, for the most part, and usually in the mid 20's outside. I run fcom, REAVWD, and QTP3R..... so, I could prolly pick up some performance if I dumped some of the prettyfication stuff.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:12 pm

It's impossible to get constant 60fps in Oblivion. The engine is old and unoptimised, and doesn't even try to use more than one CPU core.

Like you said, NPCs are horrendous for FPS. It's completely normal for your FPS to plummet when you're around many NPCs.
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Fanny Rouyé
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