I have Oblivion/Shivering Isles/Knights of the Nine on my desktop PC. I do not have it hooked up to the Internet, but I have my laptop with a wireless connection.
I was told in the Mod forums that I can download things onto my laptop, put them on my flash drive, and upload them into the game on my desktop. I was wondering if I can download the following plug-ins onto my flash drive: Fighter's Stronghold, Horse Armor Pack, Orrery, Wizard's Tower, The Thieves Den, Mehrune's Razor, The Vile Lair, Spell Tomes.
Someone provided a link to download these for the PC in one of the stickied topics, but it just took me to a place to download them for the Xbox.
I don't if it's possible to get these for free, but that would be great. I hate paying for stuff lately. :tongue:
When I have mod questions, I'll ask about those in the correct forum. I wanted to get these plug-ins before I started dabbling in anything else.