I was wondering about this myself. I would just hate to use any kind of armour with my mage, it just feels wrong. Are there shield enchantments like the other games? Or whatever they were called.
It does feel wrong but I just went to the " I don't care" side after being 1 shotted by a Forsworn Archer Leader (forgot the actual name) about 5-6 times, I was raging so I thought maybe heavy would be the way to go..
By the way I'm a Pure Mage so I use all kinds of schools , but still with Stoneflesh (+80 Armor) I was still getting 1 shotted by the arrows.. So I'm just going to go Heavy Armor route so I don't suffer so much.
Edit: Yes there are some Shield Enchantments, but as far as I've seen there are no Mage-oriented enchantments. If I'm wrong though, anyone feel free to correct me :spotted owl: