first of all, battlefield 3's got better driver support, better graphics n animation, but they're different genres so i'm not gonna compare that too much. I started skyrim thinking meh rpg, cuz im more of a shooter fan, but after a couple hours im really hooked, but the ONE thing that wins over all:
waiting times
it really kills me to have to open origin, get to the battlelog, find an online server, wait for connecting and the level to load (i can browse the internet while waiting but still), go through a stuttering menu, then finally deploy. yeah i've had a couple good rounds but matches seem to end way too soon and i'm back to the end screen waiting for the server to cycle maps.
whereas in skyrim, i just right click steam icon n click skyrim, press play at the splash screen, and press enter at the main menu for an 8 second load time. and that's big for me, ease of access really gets me into the game despite it not being online, and i quickly found out that skyrim is actually a really really good open world single player game.
so wat do u think of skyrim or bf3? am i too harsh? cuz i dunno if i'm being too harsh.