Isn't that exactly what's supposed to happen? Each triangle in a mesh has its face toward you if the sequence of its vertices runs counter-clockwise. When you mirror it, that sequence is clockwise and so the face is away from you. Just select all the faces in the mirrored copy and flip them before you join it back to the main mesh.
Wait, one of us is misunderstanding the other.
So first, it's common knowledge that in a proper mesh the outside faces appear solid, while the inside faces often appear invisible (so if the camera were placed inside of a sphere mesh, you would see nothing at all). I'm not being a [censored] saying that, I'm sure you already know it, but it gets at what the exact issue is.
What I'm trying to do is take an asymetrical belt which has different stuff on each side, and mirror so the stuff switches sides. When I do this though, not only does it switch sides like it should, but the faces also turn inside out so that the outside is invisible, but the inside is solid, so when you look at it all you see is the inside of the opposite side.
That happens in 3ds max as well when mirroring stuff. You need to apply transforms before export. Don't know how it is called in Blender (reset x form in max).
I think you're referring to Apply Scale and Rotation. Doing that doesn't fix the issue though. It looks exactly the same after export whether I use that or not.
If there really is something else, that would make this really easy though

anyone know?