» Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:38 am
Not cheating, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you enjoy having a horribly unbalanced character. By boosting one skill to 100 right from the start, and using all those perk points, you're going to be level 20-25 with great armor and no combat capabilities, which will leave you at a severe disadvantage on the battlefield. Not only that but I always thought part of the fun in any RPG is acquiring new and better armor as your character gets better. Don't you want to enjoy the Dwarven, Steel Plate, Orcish and Ebony armors too?
I personally have decided to move to the next Armor set every ten levels or so, moved from fine steel to superior Dwarven at lvl 10, flawless Steel plate at 20 with elven weapons, Legenday Steel plate at lvl30 with Glass weapons (improve armor 20% echantments! Are awesome!) And at lvl40 I plan to unlock Ebony smithing, lvl 50 Dragon, and lastly because its better then Dragon, Daedeic at lvl 60.