I believe the armor sets / rewards from doing certain guild quests are scaled to your current level. Which means, yes, if you complete a guild chain pre-lvl 20 you will receive a lesser quality version of the exact same item you would receive if you were say, in your 30s. I personally really don't like this. I understand Bethesda's reasoning in doing this as to not provide you with extremely good gear while still at an early lvl thus making the game too easy too early. It just seems like there should have been a better solution rather than dumbing down some of the cooler gear.
I understand that for sidequests, but it really bothers me in the guild quest lines. If I want to play a thief character, I should wait until I'm 35+ or so to do the thieves guild quests? That's just silly.
To the OP: The rewards from Daedric Quests seem, as usual, not leveled. Don't know about any others.