» Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:03 am
The secondaries could all use a boost.
There's no reason to use them when switching is as slow as it is, and when they really can't stand on their own as decent weapons. The Nova is actually fairly decent with its accuracy and rate of fire, but the Hammer and Majestic both have the **** RoF and can't kill worth beans without a headshot.
Pistols svck, but they should.
Pistols should be viable weapons alongside primaries. Otherwise, there is simply no point to having them... at all.
Example: In any of the Call of Duty games, the pistols do damage more than comparable to any of the primaries. Same thing with Counter-Strike (still the most popular shooter on the planet, btw - and this is one of the reasons). You still don't see people running around without primaries, and that's because of the intrinsic benefit of automatic fire, which makes things much easier on the player. It's NOT, however, because the pistols just plain svck.
Please don't let the pistols continue svcking!