I got New Vegas last Christmas a few months after it came out. Before I even started playing, I downloaded the most recent patch. I've put in 200ish hours in on 2 different playthroughs, and only had the occasional freeze or unending loading screen where I had to restart my PS3. Maybe 10-20, but maybe less, and either way that's not too bad. A few weeks ago I bought all 4 of the major DLC, and GRA. I hadn't played any of them because I had just started a new playthrough, but about a week ago I started Honest Hearts. Now, I put in a few hours, but I really started burning through it today. I made it all the way to Gathering Storms, then stopped because I needed to do all the Father In The Caves stuff (cause, lets be honest, that's the coolest part of Honest Hearts, and his equipment is the best). But anyway, I start to notice a little bit of lag, maybe 4-5 hours in to the play session. Pretty soon, there is definitely some moderate lagging, but all my buttons work, and once I fast travel to a place, there is no lag inside the area (for example, the last place I went to was Two Skies Cave, and it was completely smooth and normal). Soon as I stepped outside of Two Skies, APOCALYPTIC LAG!!! Like, I have never experienced lag like it ever, on any game or console. So I figured, dang. Before it would slightly improve 1-2 minutes after I left a location, but not this time. It took 10 minutes for my PS3 to acknowledge I was pressing Circle to bring up the Pip Boy. It eventually worked, but when I tried to fast travel, I decided that I wasn't gonna make it. So I turned off the system.
So, whats going on here? From what I have read in various places, apparently patch 1.07 messes with the PS3? That kinda doesn't make sense to me though, since I had put in time before I went to Zion, and in Zion, without any issues.
The other one I heard was that when games lag a lot, you usually have been playing for a long time. I had been playing for about 7 hours when this happened. I would just say that this is it, but I really don't have the experience to know. I am a "hardcoe" gamer in the sense that I get really into games, and plan stuff out. The games I own, I really like. But I am a busy dude, so I usually only get 1-3 hours in per session, and I'm pretty sure the longest I have played New Vegas before is maybe 4 or 5.
So anyway, has anyone else experienced anything similar, or have any advice, confirmation? Its about 11, so I'll probably just do something else for the rest of the night, and then try in the morning to see if its just the fact that I played for a long time (oh yeah, btw it was about 75 in my house??? not sure if that matters). Anyway, advice is extremely appreciated. I'll check back to see what people have to say, and post what I have found by letting the PS3 sit overnight and playing again.
tl;dr Yo, serious lag on Honest Hearts. Just patch 1.07 messing with me, the fact that I played for 7 hours in 75 F heat, or a DLC issue???