So, I am a bit late with Fallout:NV.
Months ago, I bought the base game plus the first DLC(Dead Money?) on a Steam sale, but for various reasons I never got around to play it. Now that it's on sale again I couldn't resist and I got the remaining DLC, so currently I am sitting with the complete pack and a bit of time to finally try it out. My dilemma is: which data files should I load for my very first playthrough? Can I safely load everything or will I miss out on things that were different in the base version?
I would especially *loathe* to find quests in the Pip-boy from the start, or NPC, that spoil the original story before I go through it, so I guess the "Story" DLC should be out for now. But what about the rest? I honestly have no idea what the 4 packs(Caravan, Classic, Mercenary, Tribal) and the GunRunnersArsenal it just new items?
Since I know nothing and I imagine people in the forum to know a lot about this, I accept suggestions