Edit: For whatever reason, that math doesn't seem like it adds up. The point remains, however.
That is a good example, even if the numbers aren't spot on. I would have to look to be sure, but I think Luck plays a part in the math as well. Its like a hidden bonus, for every point of Luck it adds a % to the effects of your skills. I want to say 5 Luck is like another 1 point to all skills. If your Blade and Luck are 50. The damage you do, should be as if your Blade was 60. I don't think, the damage shown on the inventory screen, reflects the extra damage from Luck. It is applied to the effect when used. The same applies to all of your skills.
I could be wrong, ( and that is the case more often than not ) but that should be close.
EDIT : @Niflhel If you have a low Blade skill, IMO you're by far better off to enchant a weapon, than conjure one. Or make a custom spell with Conjure and ( X ) to Blade. Adding X to Blade , to get it to 100 will increase the damage of the conjured weapon. You just won't get the little perks from being a master. Like the knock back or paralyze.