Super sneak attack?

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:49 am

I'm noticing a lot of times that when I get a sneak attack, the target doesn't notice me. Instead, they freeze, slide forward a couple feet and say something like "I think I just saw something". Because of this, subsequent hits also end up being these stunning sneak attacks. I would expect someone to notice pretty quickly when someone sticks a blade in them. And, in terms of game balance, you would think there would be limited to a sneak attack on your first strike. Is this a bug? The only other explanation I can think of is that the sneak attack is doing enough damage to stagger them, and they can't detect me until they recover from the stagger, so I can technically get in more sneak attacks. I don't know, though. Can anyone clear this up?
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:32 pm

It happens if you're behind them, so they can't see you. They are indeed staggered, and can't search for you until they recover.
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Jessica White
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:01 am

soem people ive attacked with just a fire ball just stand there and take about 30-40 before jut dieing and nto even a custom fire ball the 1 game starts you with

then theres those whoget hit take 2 steps and give up searching for me and repeat till dead
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:01 pm

then theres those whoget hit take 2 steps and give up searching for me and repeat till dead

That happens to me, too. That's what makes me think there's a bug. Or, maybe it's part stagger and part bug.

I'm playing a ninja themed character, so the occasional stealth kill is nice, but I'm level 5 with a low blades skill and can pretty much take out anything without a scratch (at about 25 damage a hit) as long I start with a sneak attack. Has anyone modded to address this? I think something like instant detection after a hit would address the issue. That way they can still be stunned and staggered, but I can't just keep stacking sneak attacks on them.
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