please not that any of you reading this that have not done this quest or have not gotten this far yet are asked to understand this is a spoiler alert!
when you are asked to go get the parts to fix the rockets DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT get both parts at once! get the parts one at a time starting with the igniter fluid and then asking where you might find the thruster control mod. you need to do in this order because for whatever reason the game goes nuts and doesn't recognize you completed the next step ahead of schedule and there for would corrupt the file afterwards. so put in basic form, ask what parts you need, go get the igniter fluid, go back, ask where the thruster control mod would be, go get it, then go back. and there is the fix for corrupt saves for the quest come fly with me. i even had the space suit in my inventory the space suit has nothing to do with the crashes. i even used the hatch that makes it quicker to get to Chris did not corrupt the saves.
There you have it folks. i hope to find the fix for Vault 3 soon for my first run character didn't have any problems with vault 3.