This is certainly the rofling thing I've ever seen.
Seriously, what is this game that push people to camp ? To play as noobs ?
Nanovision is TOTALLY nerfed ! It consums energy and it is SUPPOSED to spot cloaked people. I have 10/10 at sight test but I CAN'T see them until they are 5 meters from me !
Why do cloaked peoples have a reduced body temperature ? Do you know that if your body is not at his normal temperature, you die because enzyme stop to work ?
What's the point of putting a nanovision if cloaked people are frozzen ?
Also, as someone said it in another topic : It is seriously not cool to play with nano-spam. I use mouse 3 for nanovision and I never stop switching on/off the nanovision because EVERYONE play LOLICLOAK, and I "try" to spot them... I TRY.
In Crysis 1, cloak was useless
In Crysis 2, it is TOTALLY overpowered.
EVERYONE play in invisibility in EVERY conditions. NO MATTER WHAT : people cloak, let you run, and then kill you by behind.
Conclusion :
- Make Invisibility less "invisible"
- Invisibility should make a big noise as in Crysis 1
- Nanovision should NOT consum energy
- Nanovision should be able to SPOT enemies using cloak NO MATTER THE DISTANCE !
- Steel Mill MUST be added, because it is the best make ever.
By the way, were is the procedural destruction ?
You know, what you can see at 1:11
Please don't tell me it's because of PS and Xbox, or I will kill 'em all.