So I go to the inn, upon entering it greets me with the quest message, something like "This tavern looks like any other, but for you it must be a place of stealth and shadows", or something like that. I go upstairs and find the letter, sitting under another item like always, and take the letter. Nothing happens. Was there supposed to be a quest notification? I don't know. So I drop the fake letter, and a message pops up "as the letter full of lies leaves your fingertips, you know your quest is half done". Half done? Huh? Do they mean the other half is returning to the quest giver for my reward? Alright, whatever... I go back to the quest giver, and she won't talk to me. Clicking on her does nothing.
I've reloaded and tried it a couple of times, to no avail. The quest seems bugged. Or am I forgetting to do something?