» Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:20 am
Question 1) If it works the same as Oblivion, everything within a single effect stacks. For example, Potion of Resist Frost (15%) + Shield of Frost Resistance (20%) + Nord (25%) would indeed net you 60% Frost Resist. However, Spell Absorbtion and Spell Resistance are not the same effect. Furthermore, the magnitude of Spell Absortion is the chance that you will absorb all of the spell. So, if you have 50% Absorb Magic and 50% Resist Magic, first the game will roll to know if the spell goes through or is absorbed, and if it does go through, you will resist half the damage or effect duration.
Also, check this: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Magical_Effects#Reflect_vs._Absorb_vs._Resist
Question 2) Potions, however, should not stack. Drinking two 20% philters won't net you 40% resist.