Do you think Arnold invented his accent? Nords are supposed to sound GERMANIC and SCANDANAVIAN. They hardly sound like they're impersonating Arnold, the comparison is a stretch most of the time if you have a half decent ear for accents and languages.
I'm sorry, but your comment is completely [censored]. I am from Sweden, I speak some danish, some norwegian, some german, and I've heard a lot of german people from many parts of Germany speak english. In Skyrim, there are not a single accent which sounds scandinavian, and very few that sounds german. And the Arnold accent that people are speaking of, sounds extremely much like Arnold, which is a specific Austrian accent. Most germans doesn't sound even close to that. You claim that it's supposed to sound like a little scandinavian here, a little german there, but it doesn't. It mainly sounds Austrian, and not even German, and it's rare that it even sounds german, let alone scandinavian.
This is not the only part where Bethesda have shown their common American ignorance of Europe's composition. For example, they seem to think that fur is just for the good lucks, and not for protection against the ballfreezing cold that exists in arctic climates. The only outfits (including clothes) that I've seen in Skyrim, that seem viable to wear in snowy climate, is orcish armor, dark brotherhood suit (though that one even might be a bit too chilly) and the daedric armor (or well that depends on how well insulated it is and how much cloth is inside, but at least it seems somewhat airtight).