» Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:47 pm
The industry knows this is a joke already which is why they have to drum up their own positive media, I went into the local EB games yesterday and saw 5 used copies of C2, that might not be much in terms of global sales, but seeing that many returns at my local games retailer barely a month after release doesn't make me view the situation positively. I'd have more patience if we could see some sembelance of communication via the "official outlet"..... But another week has passed since the last round of civil requests. Nothing. I'm waiting another week and then getting ready to trade it in for Portal 2 or maybe wait a bit longer for Brink. At the very least more players are going back to other titles, was very surprised by how many people were playing Transformers WFC last night. In fact, I'm going to stop complaining and go have a bash of that....
I too am growing tired of the lack of communication. It's nearly been a full week since this fabled patch, yet I've heard nothing officially.
I really do feel let down, because I do think the game could be something great, but the lack of support and appreciation for the community has really killed it for me. I'll definitely be picking up Brink in hopes of revitalizing my interest in the console FPS genre. Do it expect it to be 100% bug-less? No. But hopefully they will talk to us and let us know they are working hard to fix what we paid for.