you've probably seen the odd post from me about the 3D side of modding over here for the past few months, and for the most of it, its been a learning curve and I've gotten gradually used to it.
Now I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle, and I'm about ready to either kill someone, or set fire to my face

A few questions I'm desperate to get some assistance with if you wouldn't mind you ingenius people you;
1) Collision Models in 3DS Max 2010 - having followed SaidenStorms wicked and thoroughly indepth tutorial, I am at a complete loss for how to actually nail up a collision model for my fairly generic static ingame models. Any form of walkthrough help would be drastically appreciated to the point of me finding your address, buying a plane ticket and/or filling up the car with petrol and alcohol/tea/juice, coming over and kissing your feet.
2) Animations - strictly a simple transformation animation, dead simple, a set of cylinders moving up and down... nothing to it. Same as above though, ready to commit suicide over complete lack of direction.
3) Textures:- please see link and advise, I thought I'd solved it earlier by creating a texture set in the GECK with the mesh's assigned texture, then replacing all the texture groups on the Base model 'in-geck' akin to clothing re-textures. It seemed to look okay, until I switched cells out-of-game and poof, back to silly old 'dark tinted' style. The 4 kit pieces are all different meshes, and look exactly the same before they're dropped into a cell, so I'm at an absolute sod loss. I've even tried dabbling with lighting and the cell's base lighting template, and nada. As you can see in the first pic, looking at the kitpiece from one angle is fine. Turning a smidge to the left throws it out of colour.
So yes, any help, anything at all (not that I'm begging, but I am, let's face it) would be gratified enormously. No doubt I've not mentioned something of massive importance.