Most companion mods, including mine, use a 'Find' package to make the follower sit.
In the 'Find Target' Box:
'Any Object' radio button checked
'Object Type': Furniture
Object Count: 500 - but I don't think this matters
'Allow Search' checked.
In the 'Allow Search box, something to use as a center - like current location
Radius - 250-500 - or whatever works for you.
One gotcha with this is if a bed in near, the NPC may use that instead of a chair.
Now if you made a copy of a chair in the Geck, and called it MyNPCChair, then in the 'Any Object' box, change the 'Object ID' to MyNPCChair, and make sure the find radius was large enough to find it, the NPC would sit predictably all the time. Though this method would mostly be useful in areas that you created yourself, or if you spawned your chair.