A few of those options actually sound sort of nice. Regardless, it's all based in that many people actually want to "Roleplay" when they play roleplaying games, and as such their Warrior may for example shun magic altogether, and lack the gentle touch needed to pick locks, and thus people just want a way to open locks that adhere to their playing style. Adding too many options could of course be counter-productive, but one for each main role of the game isn't too much to ask for, one way for mages, one way for thieves, and one way for warrior style characters (which sadly looks not to be present this time either. It's not like they haven't done this before either (see Daggerfall), and a lot of people, me included, simply want this to return so we don't miss out on most of the loot when playing a pure warrior.
This could of course also be fixed by simply doing what should've been done in the first place as well, actually adding keys to (most of) locks that you can either loot of the corpse of their owner, find hidden in their house/cave/dwelling or similar. Preferably this should be added on top of the bash lock feature to give a good and balanced amount of choices for how to get those chests/locks opened.
This could of course also be fixed by simply doing what should've been done in the first place as well, actually adding keys to (most of) locks that you can either loot of the corpse of their owner, find hidden in their house/cave/dwelling or similar. Preferably this should be added on top of the bash lock feature to give a good and balanced amount of choices for how to get those chests/locks opened.
I could see adding it to another utility skill. But tacking on utility to primary combat abilities is going a bit too far. Something like smithing as key forgery or bump keys.