Lost count of how many awe and genuine mouth opening moments I've encountered so far! My most recent was on a foray to deal with some Silver Hands. First guy runs out..I have blocking perk to slo-mo power attacks, so i side step and ( with the help of another perk) perform an instant decapitation! Was so awestruck I didn't screenshot it! Lol!
However Skyrim has done one thing most rpg's usually fail to do for me, and that's allow me to genuinely "feel" the principles of my character; most rpg's foster a certain trait for your character, but not Skyrim! That's why I've made it a point in my personal crusade to " eat" every leader of the Silver Hand I'm sent after! I'm a companion and a werewolf you see? And seeing what those bastards do I feel it's only fair that after slaughtering them all in their base I face the leader in beast form, rip him to shreds, and then feed off his corpse! And so far I've done it with every single one I've faced!
No part of the game makes me do that! That's pure emotive content created by the world that Bethesda have provided me! And that's amazing! Bugs and everything else aside the game is worth it all just for that level of freedom!
So c'mon share any character traits you guys and gals have picked up along the way.....