» Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:18 pm
Eh, so far I haven't really done the thieve's guild or brotherhood yet, haven't even went to the greybeards and I've over 70 hours played. I came to adventure and kill stuff. I didn't ask to be some silly dragon born. Oh.. you say I'm supposed to do these great things and save the world? That's nice! That's your opinion and if you're happy with it great! My idea is that I'm going to rampage from one side of the continent to the other. If I happen into some happy dragon powers along the way, sweet! They're my powers now you fool and I'll do whatever I feel like doin with'em. I might go along with these guys and rob some folks, clean out some houses, or I might just go along with these shady characters and pillage ever little village, tower, hamlet or town that I come across.