Crysis 2 Multiplayer breaking my balls

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:20 am

Crysis 2... great game!! in single player... bit ashamed u can cloak trough the whole game tho but nevertheless...

Multiplayer is seriously &#%$& up, i'm rank 23 and seriously fed up with this game now. (yeah it took me so long)

1. Getting headshots while standing behind 'solid' walls.
2. 3 bullets kill me in IA single player whilst i need to shoot most of a time a whole magazine at an enemy player.
3. I get killed while the other player doesnt even properly hit me. (yeah i know, scathered shot, but i think there are some limits to that when im getting shot 2 centimeters from me and im shooting someone in the body and I die)

These things just make me regret i even bought this game, ill never get platinum trophy because i wont stand playing till rank 50.

Only place where people are online is in single player IA, and that has a reason crytek crew!

You guys should seriously do something about this, when you launch crysis 3 (if it would launch) then no one is gonna buy the game because of the stupid bugs you left in the second version :s
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:26 pm

Can't think of any other industry on God's earth where the public pay an extortionate price to become non-salaried beta testers! The attitude seems to be, "Release it now & we'll fix it later. But only if enough mugs pay top dollar upfront to make it worth our while." If it was a vehicle there'd be a mass recall! Will seek my pleasure elsewhere. Adios.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:02 pm

shame though... this game has so much potential to crush games like CoD, but it will never come near if it doesn't get frequent support
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John Moore
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:54 pm

Yeah, thats the way of EA !!
Do you all remember "Medal of Honror 2010 ??This so much hyped game of the famous franchise of "Medal of Honror" from Steven Spielberg?? Here EA have had the chance to come to eaqual terms with Call of Duty, but what had they done?? A crappy and buggy game with ultra short Storymode and an devastating bad Multiplayermode...........
So EA had done this again with Crysis 2: Here, for god's sake the Storymode has a good feeling but the MP is fairly as bad as it is in MoH 2010. Good potential thrown away in the dump................
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luis dejesus
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:04 am

Not really, the problems the OP mentioned do happen and I usually yell in anger but it's not anywhere near often enough to really care about it and besides it works both ways, sometimes you can kill other people in like 2 bullets or get a flukey kill on them when they had jumped behind cover so I don't really complain...
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:18 pm

Yeah, thats the way of EA !!
Do you all remember "Medal of Honror 2010 ??This so much hyped game of the famous franchise of "Medal of Honror" from Steven Spielberg?? Here EA have had the chance to come to eaqual terms with Call of Duty, but what had they done?? A crappy and buggy game with ultra short Storymode and an devastating bad Multiplayermode...........
So EA had done this again with Crysis 2: Here, for god's sake the Storymode has a good feeling but the MP is fairly as bad as it is in MoH 2010. Good potential thrown away in the dump................

I think slapping the blame on EA is pretty much deluded, to an extent.

Crytek used different parts of their team to make the full game. You can see the impact of that. Of course they'd be bad results. Same with MOH. They used two different teams to make the full game, and it shows. A strain on communication, a strain on development process.

Crytek/MAYBE EA took a big risk, and it didn't pay off as well. You could have taken a year longer, if it allowed for doing the full game on one team. You think EA would say "We'll use two teams for BF3" HELL NO. Why? That's what their money is riding on. That is their star horse. Its named the COD killer, though many games have killed COD in terms of quality. Crysis 2 could have did that, but there is just way too much issues with the game for the majority.

This gen has been disappointing with game releases. Poorly made, and not to mention DLC, and making sequels/new games whilst your current is in a terrible state. I don't see a change in this game, maybe Crysis 3 will be made by one part of Crytek, and hold better results.

PS: No, I'm not saying I can make a better game. This gen has just gotten ridiculous.
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KU Fint
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:57 pm

thats so true, i dont like shooters but bought crysis 2 because it looked decent but alas. waiting now for skyrim, hope that one doesnt let me down :D
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:50 am

alright check this, i really like what im going to say now haha.

i won a IA game, had 25 kills, the second dude had 15. I get this message: **** cheater, u killed the last dude with 3 shots in the kill cam !!

i guess im not the only one who is trying to make a point here with this stupid problem, if it is positive or negative for me. i didnt hit the dude in the neck/head but torso /arms
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:47 pm


I'm gonna say it-

I love MP. It works perfect.
ALSO when you say that you die really quickly, are you in Max Armour, or just cloak/regular? If you aren't in Max Armour, you will die really fast. There are also perks you can do to increase MA power, like faster health recharge, and that one which doesn't let armor drain as fast!
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:14 pm

If I was a mod I would post a gameplay video of myself and then close the thread...
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:27 pm

im close at stopping with this game... still i get 2 shotted by handguns etc and when i watch killcam; i die before guns are fired....

can you guys seeeriously fix this problem?! shut down the damn server whatever but make it proper or find other jobs? :S
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:54 pm

Can I shamelessly plug my YT site here? I've got a +3.0kdr, do gameplay & commentaries for Crysis 2! Come check it out. I'm not arrogant or anything about my stats. I just want to help people get better. Also, I'm almost perpetually on 1-bar yet am usually able to perform pretty well. Maybe my vids can help you out. (^_-)b

kakapoopoodoodoo's YT Channel

I'll also have some of my TDM's from my other channel in my 'favorite' section, as they contain music. Please give me some feedback, if you have any.
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