Multiplayer is seriously %$& up, i'm rank 23 and seriously fed up with this game now. (yeah it took me so long)
1. Getting headshots while standing behind 'solid' walls.
2. 3 bullets kill me in IA single player whilst i need to shoot most of a time a whole magazine at an enemy player.
3. I get killed while the other player doesnt even properly hit me. (yeah i know, scathered shot, but i think there are some limits to that when im getting shot 2 centimeters from me and im shooting someone in the body and I die)
These things just make me regret i even bought this game, ill never get platinum trophy because i wont stand playing till rank 50.
Only place where people are online is in single player IA, and that has a reason crytek crew!
You guys should seriously do something about this, when you launch crysis 3 (if it would launch) then no one is gonna buy the game because of the stupid bugs you left in the second version :s