Fallout: New Vegas hardcoe MODE! >:D

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:44 am

Hell yea I went hardcoe mode but Im curious to see how many of you(if any) have back out of it yet? c:<
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:40 pm

nah i enjoy the challenge it brings and adds a sense of realism...

though it pisses me off when your walking around and suddenly you accidently bump into a super high level creature and your companion dies trying to fight it while running so you gotta reload your save
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:10 am

To be honest, I'm on hardcoe mode with the difficulty setting on Very Hard, and it's not very challenging, although PC mods will spice things up soon enough :)
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:16 pm

hardcoe mode isn't all that hardcoe. You can still carry a BUTT load of ammo, and the abundance of water and food along with places to sleep, really negate any sort of challenge it might have added. About the only hard part, is having to use Doctor's Bags to heal limbs, since Stims wont. Even the right companions are hard to kill. (Veronica, Boone) it really isn't much of a challenge at all. Not that I don't appreciate the feature, I love how it was implemented, and Im sure FWE NV will improve things considerably.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:57 pm

Obsidian really should have checked out the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community and learned what "hardcoe" meant. Those crazy Russians modders know how to make a virtual existence absolutely terrifying. After playing that series, F:NV's "hardcoe" mode is pretty mild to me. I mean they measured the exact weight of ammunition to the nearest tenth of a kilogram and calculated what the average amount of weight someone could constantly carry without too much trouble. Guns jam mid burst if they aren't kept up, forcing you to struggle to unjam them. Hell, that series actually had enemies that would get tired of your crap if you bunkered too long and pitch grenade to flush you out into the kill zone set up by their buddies.

So sipping water, snacking on food, and doctoring up limbs... Meh.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:42 pm

Obsidian really should have checked out the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community and learned what "hardcoe" meant. Those crazy Russians modders know how to make a virtual existence absolutely terrifying. After playing that series, F:NV's "hardcoe" mode is pretty mild to me. I mean they measured the exact weight of ammunition to the nearest tenth of a kilogram and calculated what the average amount of weight someone could constantly carry without too much trouble. Guns jam mid burst if they aren't kept up, forcing you to struggle to unjam them. Hell, that series actually had enemies that would get tired of your crap if you bunkered too long and pitch grenade to flush you out into the kill zone set up by their buddies.

So sipping water, snacking on food, and doctoring up limbs... Meh.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was wishing hardcoe mode was a little more STALKER-ish. Now that's a game that'll chew you up and spit you back out. I would kill for New Vegas sized STALKER.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:56 am

So far, the only major challenges I've been presented by it are that Stims don't heal limbs, so I've had to limp half way across the map with a broken arm and leg to find a doctor, and that I horde food and water now and when I got my first follower and had it just carry only my food and water I had been lugging around 150 pounds of food.

Really, I think it's just more there for roleplay than anything. I think they could have done to make the sleep more neccesary atleast though. I stayed up for 48 hours in game without sleeping and I think my sleep was around 80, when it should have been ATLEAST 200.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:54 pm

Hmmm mixed views then I'm getting the game Friday and wondering if I should go hardcoe more the first play through. I like the idea that you have to constantly try to keep you character alive, but worried that it's going to be the kind of mode where enemies need several shots to the head to be killed, find it makes the game kind of silly. I'm also worried that it's going to make the game take too long, to the point travelling, constantly becoming overclumbered, travelling back and forth to get healed after every encounter is just going to make the game tedious.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:08 pm

Hmmm mixed views then I'm getting the game Friday and wondering if I should go hardcoe more the first play through. I like the idea that you have to constantly try to keep you character alive, but worried that it's going to be the kind of mode where enemies need several shots to the head to be killed, find it makes the game kind of silly. I'm also worried that it's going to make the game take too long, to the point travelling, constantly becoming overclumbered, travelling back and forth to get healed after every encounter is just going to make the game tedious.

Honestly, it's not like that. Atleast not for me. It may not have me set on the edge of panic every second afraid that I'm going to die, but it's fun. It makes you plan ahead. Can't manage to carry out all that gear with you to the next town? Sell it, drop it, whatever. You get hurt and get two crippled limbs in the middle of the dessert? Sure, you can fast travel back to town real quick, but that's no fun. I just kept pressing on, slowly limping down the high way, unable to use a two handed weapon without missing 9 our of 10 times, low on food, dehydrated, and with night coming on fast. It's fun, and when you finally do manage to get to a town and figure out a way to get yourself all patched up, find yourself some water and food, and find a nice bed to sleep in it's very rewarding.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:14 am

rofl too hard i keep crit shotting everything with guns on 10 with a scoped varmit rifle
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:26 pm

Hmmm mixed views then I'm getting the game Friday and wondering if I should go hardcoe more the first play through. I like the idea that you have to constantly try to keep you character alive, but worried that it's going to be the kind of mode where enemies need several shots to the head to be killed, find it makes the game kind of silly. I'm also worried that it's going to make the game take too long, to the point travelling, constantly becoming overclumbered, travelling back and forth to get healed after every encounter is just going to make the game tedious.

Please keep in mind that hardcoe mode has absolutely nothing to do with the difficulty of the enemies. The difficulty is a completely separate option in the settings, so you can play hardcoe/Very Hard or hardcoe/Very Easy or anything in between. That's what will determine how hard enemies are to kill.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:38 am

Please keep in mind that hardcoe mode has absolutely nothing to do with the difficulty of the enemies. The difficulty is a completely separate option in the settings, so you can play hardcoe/Very Hard or hardcoe/Very Easy or anything in between. That's what will determine how hard enemies are to kill.

Very helpfull looks like it may be hardcoe mode after all!
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:09 pm

I've always ended up using survival mods in Morrowind/Oblivion/FO3, so I'm really happy that hardcoe mode has been included in this game's release. I'm in the UK so counting down the hours and twiddling my thumbs til I can try it out...
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casey macmillan
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:45 pm

Nope i'm enjoying it to be honest and refuse to turn it off at this point. Only thing that will make me turn it off is if they find some like between hardcoe mode coding and crashing.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:20 pm

I'm liking HC mode, but I'm having a hard time locating water. Ammo isn't too much of a problem. Some things are pretty hard to kill.

I have seriously been using the sink in the house of the doctor who took the bullet out of my skull whenever I can't find water and I'm dehydrated.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:51 pm

Hell yea I went hardcoe mode but Im curious to see how many of you(if any) have back out of it yet? c:<

Not yet. Brings some realism to the table. I actually enjoy eating//drinking//sleeping in the game now and having it be a necessity. I had no need to do those things before so the immersion is nice. It's going quite good.

It also makes you really scrounge around for survival. I mean before when I would go into a room in fallout 3 I would look around a bit and that was it, now I look in stoves for food. It's nice.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:27 am

How are the nights in NV? Are they still just as bright as in FO3, or did they darken them up a bit for realism? One of the first Mods I DLed for FO3 was one that made the nights almost pitch black so you could barely see in front of you; in the middle of a desert with no lights, that's how it'd really be, and I think that would make for traveling at night even more harrowing!
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:07 pm

The only thing even mildly challenging about hardcoe mode is the fact you need Doctor's Bags to heal Crippled Limbs or damaged Limbs, and they're rare. It's vexsome to have to wander back to civilization to find a Doctor.

I'm also annoyed by the fact playing hardcoe essentially makes you a "Dry" character, as any form of liquid beyond Water increases your H20 meter.

I do like that ammo has weight and Companions can be killed, however.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:31 pm

I'm liking hardcoe mode. It's really not all that much harder, but the part I like is healing happens over time. Without hardcoe mode you could be completely losing a fight that you weren't prepared for, didn't think through....and you just pop a couple stimpacks and you're back up to full health instantly. I did that all the time in fallout 3. Charge into room full of ugly, start shooting away and tapping the stim hotkey every 5 seconds. The depth that hardcoe adds for me is that I have to actually pay attention to my health because if it drops too fast stims won't save me, and if I run into another fight too quickly before taking a breather to heal i could get one-shotted.

The limb healing also has a nice subtle impact. I've had to limp all the way through an encounter because the exit was too far away and would be a waste of time to travel to a doc and then back which really added a challenge when I screwed up and wasn't watching for mines.
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Isabella X
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:49 am

Loving hardcoe mode myself. Enjoying having to keep up with the seemingly mundane (no more selling all my water and food each time I go back to town!).

I have a crippled left arm at the moment, but I'm toughing it out so I don't waste a doc bag already!

I would never turn it off, glad I made the choice to go with it from the get-go.
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