I think it's time for Bethesda to give the beast races some humanity and treat them as civilized people and not as a joke. Bethesda sees all Khajiits as thieving skooma dealers only interested in making money. They see all Argonians as evil mercenaries who want you dead.
If Bethesda would only give the beast races some humanity, then more people would love them.
I agree on the comic relief part.
I also think Bethesda should make them more distinct in appearance and behavior. Some people already think the beast races are just humans wearing a tail costume. I'd like them to be more and more alien in looks, in animations, in gestures. Apart from the head and the tail, they are too much like humans. They walk the same, fight the same, eat the same, they react the same to the player's actions. I think the beast races are civilized enough since they speak the common language, live in houses, study the arts and specialize in professions, join and even rule the guilds, respect the law, ect, but when you follow a Khajiit or Argonian all day long and observe their usual behavior you should see things that are not seen at humans, they need more weird factor. This can be achieved basically by strange animations, alien body structure, weird sounds, scripted AI that tells a Khajiit to jump in a tree when in danger, Argonians who have very distinct swimming animations, little things like these could make the beast races so much more interesting.
When Bethesda ever decides to show us the beast races provinces I hope they pull off an insanely strange world, very different from the previous locations and the society of Argonians and Khajiits should look, feel and work almost entirely different than the humans'. I like to believe that in spite of what we know from the outlanders, inside their territory they have other types of houses, other kind of public behavior and ceremonials, other means of hunting and transport, etc. If Bethesda fears to make this originality leap and give us an alien world again, then it's their loss in the first place. It's like you sit on a pile of gold and not use it.