To the outside viewer, yes they are just games, and we are the nerds who are just wasting our time playing them in some of their opinions. But to us? TES is more than just a game. TES can become a lifestyle, influencing our lives in certain ways.
This is true of any good game or RPG actually, not just TES. The game can show us things about our lives which we might not have thought of. With the Tomb Raider series, for instance, I've learned the following...
any, jewelry, that note you don't want your boss to see, that treat you don't want your kid to have before dinner.
Anything can be potentially hidden
in plain sight and not be found. Go ahead and laugh; at times these traits can actually be useful in real-life. This sounds as if I've merely learned to be more deceitful, but sometimes it's important to be able to to keep things to myself. those of us who have kids or nosey neighbors/relatives know waht I'm talking about. :laugh:
With TES I've learned little stuff here and there along the way, too, stuff I would never normally think about. I've researched various ingredients which appear in Cyrodiil for instance, like St. John's Wort, which actually assists the combat against depression (or it's supposed to).
One day I was in a natural food store and saw some St. John's Wort on the shelf. On a whim I bought some and tried it. Its role as an anti-depressant can be debated, but I did find it does have a beneficial effect. Kinda like coffee without the jitters in my case, but others who have tried it have had different results.
I've also learned how to use shadows to figure out where I am without needing a compass. I don't go hiking very often anymore, but if I ever somehow did get lost, my knowlege and habits from Cyrodiil and Skyrim could potentially save time and keep me and anyone with me from disaster.
In Skyrim, I've actually been in the habit of using the
physical tan map which comes with the game. I only use the 3D map to plot initial destinations. This is a skill which could potentially come in use someday if the GPS in my car stops working for some reason. Not that I drive long distances anymore very often, but still, the potential is there.