
Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:56 pm

Some things just need to be toned down I think. I havent tried Alch yet but I do know smithing and enchanting are abit over the top. Skill enchants need to be removed 1H, 2H and bow damage and most important the smithing bonus enchant just need to go, you can already double 1H, 2H, Bow damage from perks these enchants are just not needed. Smithing is fine but it works to well with other perks. Crafting an armor then upgradeing it 100% combined with the 150% bonus from other armor perks you could hit 800+ Armor and no melee will ever hurt you, the %'s just need to be toned down.

Having an unbalanced game is not well....good. I shouldent have to avoid perks to feel not cheezy, its not hard to see which perks and enchants are over the top in this game.

Because you can, doesn't mean you have to, or should. They don't need to be toned down for everyone else who plays...YOU just need to not upgrade your own stuff to a level that would make it un-fun for you. Do not force Bethesda to remove the option for other people to upgrade weapons and armor as much as they want to. Because some people will have great fun doing what you think is not fun. Control yourself, not someone else. You see, it's just your subjective opinion that smithing and enchanting is "over-powered" and not fun. Decide for yourself, and let other people decide for themselves.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:36 pm

Well ... if I have to pass on every other ability, because it makes the game trivial for me, that is not ideal. Beth shouldn't include game breaking perks and mechanics just because some ppl like to break their gameplays.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:47 pm

In a single player RPG game, there is no such thing as an "over-powered" spell or ability. Who is it being unfair to? If you feel this power "breaks the game", and I'm assuming that means "makes the game less fun", then DON'T DO IT. Don't try to make everyone who plays the game have fun the same way you do.

It's not about being "unfair". It's about being a viable option in the game.
Let say Oblivion has overpowered Illusion magic. Could be said that its "broken".
Your solution to the problem is "DONT DO IT".
Fine, I guess that helps a bit. But the fact remains that I can not use Illusion magic because it's overpowered.
No illusion magic = less content, less fun.
It's that simple.

Also crippling yourself with self-set restrictions works against the ultimate goal of many gamers. That is playing good and beating the game.
That might not be the reason you play, but "don't try to make everyone who plays the game have fun the same way you do.", right?
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:24 am

Well ... if I have to pass on every other ability, because it makes the game trivial for me, that is not ideal. Beth shouldn't include game breaking perks and mechanics just because some ppl like to break their gameplays.

You don't have to pass on anything :) You can just use a little bit. You can decide how much you want to upgrade your skills and gear, so that it is still fun, without passing up the option to upgrade gear or use the skills.

I agree, not getting exactly the game you want, is not ideal. But this game is VERY flexible, and you can play it how you like, without affecting how everyone else might want to play it. Removing options reduces that flexibility, makes it stiffer. Makes it less adaptable to people's individual taste :)
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:33 am

It's not about being "unfair". It's about being a viable option in the game.
Let say Oblivion has overpowered Illusion magic. Could be said that its "broken".
Your solution to the problem is "DONT DO IT".
Fine, I guess that helps a bit. But the fact remains that I can not use Illusion magic because it's overpowered.
No illusion magic = less content, less fun.
It's that simple.

Also crippling yourself with self-set restrictions works against the ultimate goal of many gamers. That is playing good and beating the game.
That might not be the reason you play, but "don't try to make everyone who plays the game have fun the same way you do.", right?

But you're wrong, you CAN use Illusion magic, just don't over power it and break your own fun. You can keep it at expert or journeyman, You can scale it yourself. It's easy. and it will be less powerful, and more fun. This game is very flexible. It allows you to do that. The game does not force you to use the most powerful illusion spells. The game let's you use weaker spells.

Forcing everyone else to be less powerful, because you feel over-powered is monstrous:) LOL. And I don't know you, but I don't think you are monstrous. I think you just haven't seen it, the way it really is.They ARE NOT forcing you to be over-powered, because you have free-will and intelligence. You can choose not to use more power than you need, rather than making everyone else weaker. You can exercise a choice you have, instead of removing that choice from others. What is "over-powered" to you, is awesome fun for many others :)

LOL I know it's just a game, and that seems like I'm taking it too seriously. But if you think about it, that is exactly what your doing. And no, it's not serious, it's just a game. But that's what you are doing :)
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cheryl wright
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:55 pm

I was saying that, specifically, Skyrim did not need to be balanced by removing abilities from Oblivion. Because individual players, in their own games, could "balance" the game as they like, by simply picking the skills they want to use, and how to use them. That is adjusting the game to your taste. And you do it automatically, without thinking about it. Making Bethesda remove options you would never use, just so someone else won't use those options, is...well...I don't understand why anyone would do that. How can it possibly hurt your gaming? How could it possibly help your gaming? You can scale the powers yourself, however you like, by simply deciding when and how to use them.

There is a good chance that I'm just not understanding what you are trying to say. Because your last 3 sentences seemed to back-up my notion implicitly. It seems like you were contradicting yourself. You said I was stupid, then you said you did exactly what I was saying to do.

This was your argument:

Overpowered? There's no Such Thing

Nothing I said backed that up :P

There is already a way to "balance" the game to the player, it's called the DIFFICULTY SLIDER. This is what all perks/classes/etc should be balanced to, that is the whole point of it.

The idea that picking different skills should be the way to "balance" the game is perfectly ridiculous. Different skills should make the gameplay different but the difficulty the same.

I don't want anything "removed" because it is too powerful, I want it to be balanced so that it doesn't break my game. Leveling smithing/enchanting should not make the game "easy mode", moving the slider to novice (or whatever it is) should make the game "easy mode".

I don't care if people get a kick out of breaking the game. But this should not happen in standard game play, and certainly not on maximum difficulty.

All the things you mentioned that have been "removed" from the game are in fact IN the game and perfectly viable. 100% Chameleon was OP and quite ridiculous, I can't understand why anyone would want to play the game that way, other than for a laugh. That is the sort of stupid OP "god mode" thing that should only be achievable as a cheat imo.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:35 pm

This was your argument:

Nothing I said backed that up :P

There is already a way to "balance" the game to the player, it's called the DIFFICULTY SLIDER. This is what all perks/classes/etc should be balanced to, that is the whole point of it.

The idea that picking different skills should be the way to "balance" the game is perfectly ridiculous. Different skills should make the gameplay different but the difficulty the same.

I don't want anything "removed" because it is too powerful, I want it to be balanced so that it doesn't break my game. Leveling smithing/enchanting should not make the game "easy mode", moving the slider to novice (or whatever it is) should make the game "easy mode".

I don't care if people get a kick out of breaking the game. But this should not happen in standard game play, and certainly not on maximum difficulty.

All the things you mentioned that have been "removed" from the game are in fact IN the game and perfectly viable. 100% Chameleon was OP and quite ridiculous, I can't understand why anyone would want to play the game that way, other than for a laugh. That is the sort of stupid OP "god mode" thing that should only be achievable as a cheat imo.

You can make creatures kill each other, yes. You can't use "control humanoids/creature" any more. Control humanoids was better because, any mob that saw you, and ran to engage you, would IMMEDIATELY turn around and start attacking one of your enemies, or just stand there. With fury/rage there is still a good chance that it will just keep attacking you. It was NERFED. But I liked the Oblivion "control". This is what made illusion FUN.

With invisibility in Oblivion, soon as you went invisible, the mob couldn't "see you", it would just run around swinging at the air. With Skyrim, turning invisible while in melee combat is pointless...nothing can get the mob off of then, except killing it. It was NERFED. not removed. NERFED. But I liked this...the Oblivion Invisibility is what made Illusion FUN.

You took away MY ability to use those fun things, because YOU couldn't just NOT use the most powerful spell. You HAD TO use the most powerful spell regardless. And it was too easy for you. So for YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT, you ruined MY Enjoyment. When you could have just NOT MADE IT TOO EASY on your own. You made Bethesda take fun from me, instead of learning how to have more fun for yourself. That is as simply as I can state it. Well...at least until I think of a better way, IF I can think of a better way to say it.

You screwed me over for your own benefit, when you didn't have to, you just wanted to.

That simpler? Too simple? Had to use hyperbole to set my meaning in higher contrast. But it may be oversimplification. Instead of doing something for yourself, you did something TO ME.

And use "should" allot. There is no "should", All mentioned concepts are entirely subjective. "Should" is just your opinion. Yet your statements seem to indicate you think it is somehow concrete, objective, and so it's only right. Like the laws of nature and thermodynamics have decided how a game SHOULD be, and what I suggest is unnatural? LOL..:) Ok...that's more hyperbole. :)

Hm...having Bethesda nerf those abilities, nerfs EVERYONE. Even alll those that didn't want to be nerfed. It makes you happy, but me sad. Heres the thing YOU AREN'T PLAYING MY GAME. I liked those abilities. But because YOU didn't like them, I can no longer have them :). And you could have just not done, what you didn't like, and I would still be able to use those abilities like I want to.

oh and P.S. When I use ALL CAPITALS, I'm not yellinjg. I'm stressing the concept. It would probably only take 5 minutes to learn how to use italics. I just haven't.
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gemma king
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:27 am

You can make creatures kill each other, yes. You can't use "control humanoids/creature" any more. Control humanoids was better because, any mob that saw you, and ran to engage you, would IMMEDIATELY turn around and start attacking one of your enemies, or just stand there. With fury/rage there is still a good chance that it will just keep attacking you. It was NERFED. But I liked the Oblivion "control". This is what made illusion FUN.

With invisibility in Oblivion, soon as you went invisible, the mob couldn't "see you", it would just run around swinging at the air. With Skyrim, turning invisible while in melee combat is pointless...nothing can get the mob off of then, except killing it. It was NERFED. not removed. NERFED. But I liked this...the Oblivion Invisibility is what made Illusion FUN.

You took away MY ability to use those fun things, because YOU couldn't just NOT use the most powerful spell. You HAD TO use the most powerful spell regardless. And it was too easy for you. So for YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT, you ruined MY Enjoyment. When you could have just NOT MADE IT TOO EASY on your own. You made Bethesda take fun from me, instead of learning how to have more fun for yourself. That is as simply as I can state it. Well...at least until I think of a better way, IF I can think of a better way to say it.

You screwed me over for your own benefit, when you didn't have to, you just wanted to.

That simpler? Too simple? Had to use hyperbole to set my meaning in higher contrast. But it may be oversimplification. Instead of doing something for yourself, you did something TO ME.

And use "should" allot. There is no "should", All mentioned concepts are entirely subjective. "Should" is just your opinion. Yet your statements seem to indicate you think it is somehow concrete, objective, and so it's only right. Like the laws of nature and thermodynamics have decided how a game SHOULD be, and what I suggest is unnatural? LOL..:) Ok...that's more hyperbole. :)

Hm...having Bethesda nerf those abilities, nerfs EVERYONE. Even alll those that didn't want to be nerfed. It makes you happy, but me sad. Heres the thing YOU AREN'T PLAYING MY GAME. I liked those abilities. But because YOU didn't like them, I can no longer have them :). And you could have just not done, what you didn't like, and I would still be able to use those abilities like I want to.

oh and P.S. When I use ALL CAPITALS, I'm not yellinjg. I'm stressing the concept. It would probably only take 5 minutes to learn how to use italics. I just haven't.

lol Dude, I did not do anything.

But again... I was arguing your statement "Overpowered, No such thing!" which is complete rubbish. I don't care what "your friends said", as though this influenced Beths design decisions.

This is not the same game as Oblivion, end of story.

Those things aren't "nerfed", they just work differently. You can now use calm, fury and flee. I haven't used invisibility so I can't comment on it, but that sounds like a bug.

Again, if you want to play oblivion... just play Oblivion. Or just wait for a mod.

And again, if I want to play as a crafter that should not make me so totally OP that it breaks my game on the highest difficulties.

I really do not care about stupid rubbish like people enchanting 100% Chameleon and breaking their own game. Nor do I care about people using cheats/console commands etc.

What I care about is gamebreakingly OP or UP stuff that happens in normal gameplay contrary to the difficulty slider.

So .... Yes, there is such a thing as "OP" in a single player game.

And.. 5 minutes to learn how to use italics...? Just highlight the text and click the italics button. :confused:
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