» Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:47 am
2 weeks later and still not a whiff of double xp. No matter, i'm on BFBC2. I'm in no way saying that double xp is my right. But when you couple the promise and then segregation of a double xp weekend, PLUS the connection errors that PSN users are continuously experiencing, plus the hanging, game crashes that freeze up ur ps3, distortion of audio mid match, hit detection errors, amd loss of xp once you get kicked from a match, i think you can see where i'm going with this. BFBC2 is about a year old, and it takes me under 1min to find a join a match in ANY GAME MODE! P.s. i'm not trolling cause i'm a BFBC2 super fan or whatever. I just started playing it online last week and i've been on it MW2 style, 12hr shifts for the past 4 days. Why? Because it doesn't make my want to stab myself over and over and over everytime i try to play online. P.s. To emphasise how painfull this switch was it too me 2 days of continous downloading to download the 2gb of updates on my 1Mb connection. But you know what.... It plays great %-) Sorry for the troll, just really needed to get it out there. Now i see that some peoples map packs aren't working...... I really have nothing else to add to this %-p But you know what, i'll download the patch and see what gives....