» Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:14 pm
The big debilitating glitch is that when you Autosave / Quicksave, it does not seem to upload to steam (this is my guess). You CAN save, you CAN then load, the game works great. When your game is closed (or worse, crashes) and you open Fallout: NV again, the saves NO LONGER EXIST.
The only way to make "actual" saves is to go into the menu and click "Save". Basically, quicksave, quickload, and autosave CANNOT save you, and if your game crashes you will lose all progress until your last manual save.
The save issue is a PC ISSUE WITH STEAM, so I dont care if your Xbox saves. PC users must manually create saves (and often).
Other than that and some placement issues (npcs stuck in ground, or just "standing" there while you shoot them) this game is AMAZING and runs extremely well.