Crazy thing is instead of starting with the imperial dude, i ended up starting with the stormcloaks. I was shocked because i made 4 different characters prior and never got a different beginning.
Well once I got the elf archer dude. (name to complicated) I decked him out in some imperial gear with a shield and mace. OMFG. He is a damn beast.
We just shoot arrows to draw agro then smash everyone's heads in when they come in range. He is literally the most gangsta companion i ever had. Now that I know i can deck out companions, it is on like donkey kong. I might even keep him with me forever because he is that gangsta.
It is quite harder on master but I am keeping up with armor upgrades. I plan to max enchanting/alch/ and smithing but I do not plan on exploiting the clearly stupid stacking that can be done. I will make the basic form of thebest stuff and evenly enchant and see how that does for me. I don't want a [censored] ez late game.
Companions ftw.