Didn't the developers promise to NOT do this again? It looks so absolutely rediculous. Again! Seems Bethesda is a bit oblivious (*g*) towards their past mistakes...
Does sneaking with a flame spell in your left hand lessen your sneak ability?
Does another unlogical situation resolves a former, renders it less true or frustrating?
If you're asking for my personal opinion then I find a glowing flame in my hand not lessening my sneak ability far less stupid than a thief in shiny armor, robbing me...with style.
I think they meant the situation in Oblivion about bandits with rare, expensive armor becoming implausibly common. Elven isn't really that rare.
It doesn't exactly look like the most suitable armor for a sneak-thief, but the "wave a knife in your face and say 'gimme your money!'" types could use it.
It is, it's a texture mod. But apart from that it's vanilla. So the appearance of the armor is a feature of the game.
And I know elven is not high-class. It still looks silly. Or when were you robbed by a thief in a suit the last time? Please don't tell me suits are high-class...
that is modded elven armor textures. If you didn't change the texture color to something that hideous then it wouldn't be a big deal as I personally like elven armor