» Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:00 pm
Balancing lethality and vulnerability in your character can be a challenge. Here's what has worked for me -
Buffy’s kind of a character of extremes. Some skills and attributes she masters, while some she ignores. Some skills, we selectively RP. The best example of this is destruction; she is a whiz at drain speed and weakness to poison, but is terrible at calling forth fire, ice and lightning. Another RP limitation is alchemy; her almost exclusive focus on deadly poisons has left her quite unskilled at helpful potion making.
We like her doing big damage, but insist on giving her foes the same advantage. To facilitate this, we cap her at level 20 (by picking some ‘never touch’ major skills). Her damage is maxed there, but her foes are not hitpoint tanks. We add to her fragility by keeping her endurance permanently at 30 and she pretty naturally dresses only for fashion, so her armor class is often single digits. One consideration when it comes to capping her at level 20 is that she obviously has fewer levels to work on attributes. We deal with that by ignoring ones that aren’t important to her (strength, endurance, luck for example) and efficiently leveling the ones that are (intelligence, agility, willpower for example).
We’re very happy with the results. Buffy is a glass cannon mystic archer. She can strike like a dragon or crumple like a butterfly.