Dragonflight - how does it work?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:18 am

For the same reason some people enjoy reading into the history of the cultures of skyrim, to find out people's backstories and explain how everything fits together... I also like to look at the creatures themselves.

Spriggins, for instance, resemble Fire Atronochs a lot. Like... Plant atronochs. Hahah.
They share the same death, turning into a husk whose life has dissipated into the sky.

It's no fun blaming everything on magic.
Why is the sky blue? Magic, of course?
Aurora Borialus? OBVIOUSLY MAGIC
Why don't the houses burn down when I cast Flames all over their thatched roofs?
..... Actually, that could very well be magic.
Or very skillful fireproofing architects.
Or damp straw from a recent rain.

Slapping the 'magic' label on everything is very similar to just saying 'God created it like that' and never looking further into the subject.

How does fast travel work? I need to figure out how much time passes while jumping. Is it equivalent to just walking the distance?
Obviously some time passes. It often changes from day to night, but I've never paid much attention to how much time passes.
If the same amount of time passes as would if I simply walked there, I suppose it could be a 'we'll get you there so you don't have to watch yourself run'
But if it takes a set amount of time to jump across the map, no matter where you begin... Teleportation...

I'm going to assume its some sort of astral traveling, but is every character able to do this? Or just the players?
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:16 am

Jets need fuel to work.

Wings don't.

How is that more efficient?

Energy in versus energy out.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:44 pm

Taken from other fantasy, dragonflight does not solely depends on their wings, they create some sort of magnetic field to help them stay in the air.

It's easy to shove logic to players if Beth try to. They better not though.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:33 am

You know the mistake you made right?

You tried to apply logic and science to a FANTASY GAME.

Sometimes it's hard for some people to separate Fantasy from Reality.


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Alexander Horton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:07 am

It's all about fantasy and magic anyway.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:33 am

Don't mean to be a bionerd here, but wings require ATP for fuel as well as Sodium and Potassium for synaptic functions :P

They need to eat, yeah. But I think finding a few humans to snack on is far easier, especially for a giant, flying, fire/frost breathing lizard than it would be to find jet fuel for your rocket pack in Tamriel. :P
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Tai Scott
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:35 am

Wasps and bees beat their wings at incredible speeds, allowing them to fly, they don't break the laws of physics. Common misconception due to the difficulty of studying how they and other insects fly.

Thats only part of the answer, and was something tha twas already considered when engineers of aerodynamics studies it.
The True answer isn't the wings, or how fast they beat them, in general terms, the wings if 'flapped' in a normal method, would be required to be 'larger' to make them 'fly'. And even then, how can they hover? If they can hover, why can't.... birds?

The answer? They aren't 'flying' like birds, but rather... Like Helicopters. And I don't mean they rotate there body, or that there wings make a total rotar type copter action, but rather, the wings themselves, Rotate on each side, every flap, So instead of just going Up and Down, the Wing is actually 'rotating' along said axis, as it flaps...

Or Just watch this handy informational video about the subject.

As for dragons?
Dragons are supposed to have, Extremly Light Bones, but at the same time, extremely tough.. Think Carbon-Steel tube strength. The bones are 'largeish' to support their massive frames, but are, infact, extremly 'hollow'. So if there 'leg' is 3 feet in diameter, and the bone being aproxximately 1 foot, theres probably only in reality, 1" of bone thickness at most.
other things you'll notice, Instead of having '4 legs' like dragons tradtionally 'used' to have, they opted for the more 'modern' looking dragon, which turns the 'arms' into wings.

Dragons were never meant to 'fly' like birds, but rather, be short distance 'fliers', perched along a mountain top, or in a 'cave', and if they needed to leave, they'd 'glide down'. And if they had to leave, they'd probably either,
A) jump and take off and ride the currents
B) running jump and take off ride the currents.

Then you combine a world with Magic, like Elder Scrolls, it just stands to reason that they'd probably be 'enchanted' with a type of 'feather' spell, to allow them to 'weigh' as much as they want to, when they want to.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:53 am

For the same reason some people enjoy reading into the history of the cultures of skyrim, to find out people's backstories and explain how everything fits together... I also like to look at the creatures themselves.

Spriggins, for instance, resemble Fire Atronochs a lot. Like... Plant atronochs. Hahah.
They share the same death, turning into a husk whose life has dissipated into the sky.

It's no fun blaming everything on magic.
Why is the sky blue? Magic, of course?
Aurora Borialus? OBVIOUSLY MAGIC
Why don't the houses burn down when I cast Flames all over their thatched roofs?
..... Actually, that could very well be magic.
Or very skillful fireproofing architects.
Or damp straw from a recent rain.

Slapping the 'magic' label on everything is very similar to just saying 'God created it like that' and never looking further into the subject.

How does fast travel work? I need to figure out how much time passes while jumping. Is it equivalent to just walking the distance?
Obviously some time passes. It often changes from day to night, but I've never paid much attention to how much time passes.
If the same amount of time passes as would if I simply walked there, I suppose it could be a 'we'll get you there so you don't have to watch yourself run'
But if it takes a set amount of time to jump across the map, no matter where you begin... Teleportation...

I'm going to assume its some sort of astral traveling, but is every character able to do this? Or just the players?


This actually makes me kind of wish they'd give you a popup to tell you how long it took for your fast travel. Though it's easy to figure out by checking out the date/time before and after you do it I suppose.
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phil walsh
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:32 am

Jets need fuel to work.

Wings don't.

How is that more efficient?

Lol wings do need fuel to work, you haven't thought this through. You know all organisms need 'fuel' in the form of nutrition right?

What I was actually referring to in efficiency is that the ratio of energy produced to energy put in. The Jet engine is mechanically designed to produce a proportionately higher amount of force per unit of energy put in via fuel; muscles are not as effective.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that, considering some of the best armour in-game is heavy armour made from dragon bone, it is highly likely that dragon's bones were not considered to be light. In order to be protective against full attacks, as heavy armour is, the bones would have to have a pretty high density. If they were as thin as some people are suggesting they'd buckle upon being hit in the same way that a carbon tube would. Anyone trying to logically explain how dragons could fly is really overthinking the concept.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:00 pm

This thread is epic [censored], we need an archive section to put threads like this on it.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:10 pm

They use the magicz
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:45 pm

Just be happy they gave them realistic anatomy and you didn't get some 4 legged elephant with an extra set of evolved arms sticking out of their shoulders. The wings are a little small, but otherwise these dragons look amazing and what you'd expect to see in real life if they were real.
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