There's a nice little part where the city is in danger. You have to run outside with some other mages and destroy these random magical bad creature things that are terrorizing the town. They're not easy to beat on their own, and there's ten of them to boot.
So anyway, I'm getting my rear handed to me by those guys and I hear this absolutely heart stopping roar. ... Oh God no...
I don't even see the dragon, the huge fire breath just blasts in from behind me somewhere and sweeps the street that I'm standing on. I get pelted, Lydia gets pelted, both my buddies get blasted with it, and even some of the badguys get hit. This dragon is big. Lydia can't take it so she cowers in the ruins of a broken building, trying to heal up. I can't really take it either, so I charge off to hide beside a staircase, hoping to reduce the number of enemies I have to face at once.
Over the course of the next twenty minutes, I'm frantically ducking back and forth around this staircase, swiping at these little bad guys. I'm firing flame bolts, I'm using my enchanted sword, I'm using up all my scrolls, I'm even switching to some of the staff's I've collected and dumping their charges on my enemies. The dragon swoops around flooding the whole city with his fire breath, and the little annoying enemies just keep coming.
It was the most epic fight... I have ever been in a TES game. Just awesome. It took me a while but the enemies just started dropping one by one, until it was just me and the dragon. Finally, I could face him properly. Shouting fire breath at him was effective, and the flame bolt spell was powerful as well, when I had magicka. After a drawn out duel with him, he finally crashes in the streets nearby and I can finish him off with my sword and staves.
Oh man. That was cool, what a great time.
How about you guys? Ever had that sinking... oh great moment when you hear the dragon howl?