Great... I needed a Dragon exactly NOW. Geez

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:25 pm

So I'm doing quests for the college. Many of you may not have done any of them yet, so I'll put the next bit in tags.
There's a nice little part where the city is in danger. You have to run outside with some other mages and destroy these random magical bad creature things that are terrorizing the town. They're not easy to beat on their own, and there's ten of them to boot.

So anyway, I'm getting my rear handed to me by those guys and I hear this absolutely heart stopping roar. ... Oh God no...

I don't even see the dragon, the huge fire breath just blasts in from behind me somewhere and sweeps the street that I'm standing on. I get pelted, Lydia gets pelted, both my buddies get blasted with it, and even some of the badguys get hit. This dragon is big. Lydia can't take it so she cowers in the ruins of a broken building, trying to heal up. I can't really take it either, so I charge off to hide beside a staircase, hoping to reduce the number of enemies I have to face at once.

Over the course of the next twenty minutes, I'm frantically ducking back and forth around this staircase, swiping at these little bad guys. I'm firing flame bolts, I'm using my enchanted sword, I'm using up all my scrolls, I'm even switching to some of the staff's I've collected and dumping their charges on my enemies. The dragon swoops around flooding the whole city with his fire breath, and the little annoying enemies just keep coming.

It was the most epic fight... I have ever been in a TES game. Just awesome. It took me a while but the enemies just started dropping one by one, until it was just me and the dragon. Finally, I could face him properly. Shouting fire breath at him was effective, and the flame bolt spell was powerful as well, when I had magicka. After a drawn out duel with him, he finally crashes in the streets nearby and I can finish him off with my sword and staves.

Oh man. That was cool, what a great time.

How about you guys? Ever had that sinking... oh great moment when you hear the dragon howl?
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:31 am

Every single time I fast travel to a town a dragon is there waiting for me. Not always a bad thing, but it gets annoying.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:50 pm

Every single time I fast travel to a town a dragon is there waiting for me. Not always a bad thing, but it gets annoying.

Agreed the Dragons are cool but do screw things up for you from time to time,

Heres mine..

I needed a few thousand coin for something so thought id fast travel to the gold mine,
as soon as i had got there a Blood Dragon spawned and proceeded in killing the gold mine owner and the Orc who works with him and also my horse,
now the gold mine has become useless and my horse is dead, :swear:

Im not too bothered about the horse as i dont use them in Skyrim (because there in 3rd person)
but abit annoyed about the gold mine as the gold veins don't seem to re-spawn anymore, and im pretty sure its something to do with the owner being dead lol
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:06 am

Here's mine..

I met a farmer up near solitude in the wild with a painted cow. I asked him what he was doing and he explain how hes taking his cow to the Giants as a 'peace offering to protect the rest of his live stock'. I was interested as to what would actually happen when he got to the Giants so i tagged along. Now, the Giant camp he was going to was all the way down near Whiterun, so yes, this was to be a long journey, and it was at walking pace.

For some reason this farmer decided to take a more 'scenic route' (through ruins and mountain paths) so i had a lot of trolls and such to deal with. We eventually got down to near Whiterun, when the Dragon came. At this point, we were standing with a Noble on a horse and an Imperial Guard, and a whole fortress of Bandits. The fight was immense. The Bandits worked with me for once, but once the Dragon was finally killed i had to set them all on fire. The Imperial Guard died, so i killed the Noble and stole his horse. The farmer and cow were still going strong. We eventually reached the Giants, and i had never felt so pleased in a game.

Bethesda have really done a good job with the random dragon encounters. Always need to keep aware of the sky...
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carley moss
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:54 am

Touring the Winterhold College as per the early stages of the quest-line. Frost Dragon swoops in and mucks everything up, prolonging what should have been a 5 minute tour into a 1 hour spanish flea.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:19 am

Touring the Winterhold College as per the early stages of the quest-line. Frost Dragon swoops in and mucks everything up, prolonging what should have been a 5 minute tour into a 1 hour spanish flea.

That happened to me aswell actually, had a huge fight in the courtyard with it lol
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Heather M
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:28 pm

My inventory was very full after dungeon crawling. I cannot run. Already went through a hard dungeon and the roar of a dragon could be heard. I was like great. -.-

Fought a dragon with a full inventory. Didn't want to drop anything for fear it would sink into the ground.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:40 pm

I never really understood all this "AWESOMENESS!!!!" and "EPICNESS!!!" about dragons in the gamer-community regarding Skyrim.

Dragons are one of the most ordinary creatures you could possibly encounter in a fantasy-RPG. I wasn′t even looking forward to them and now, actually having to deal with them, just gives me nothing special. I would have prefered a much more extra ordinary approach.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:49 pm

As for me, I'm excited to see dragons in this game. I like them, still horrified to fight them. Dragons are mighty creatures if you ask me.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:42 am

I was on top of some mountain and there was a dragon waiting for me. He was a tough one compared to other dragons I've fought. He landed and I got a few great hits on him before he took to flight again. As I was avoiding his icy breath, another dragon landed behind me. They took turns landing to keep me occupied while the other breathed death from above.

It was amazing.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:53 pm

Any time I hear the dragon sound in a location where I just KNOW the thing isn't gonna choose to land anywhere but perches until I knock it down to 40%.

Open fields or bust for dragon fights, otherwise the things never come down.
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