Despretly need help getting my animation working in the game

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:47 am

I created my animation, I wanted a door that looked like a bookcase, (the door leading into a secret passeg-way) It absulutly must be an animated door as a teliporting door would ruin the effect I wish to create.

I created my animation/Named it forward (so that I could script it, playgroup forward 1) Exported it from blender/Applied it to my mesh. But when I played my animation it NifSkope...It never stops, only when I hit the stop or pause buttion does it stop. No, I do not have it set to repeat (beleve me, I checked hundreads of times) It just repeats its self at the end of the animation. The little bar at the top right that tells you how far allong the animation is reaches the end and stays there, but the animation just keeps going and going....

And when I try to at least see if it plays in the game...Nothing Happens! Help!!!

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:48 am

Not sure what the problem might be -- But I do have a working animated filled bookcase that I made for another modder awhile back using Helbornes filled bookcase resource if you want I can send a copy of the NIF to you.(Edit : Found a copy of the Nif I had already uploaded so included Link below!) It was made by copy\pasting the bookshelf into one of the anuimated doors NIfs and adjusting but works well if your interested --- --- The original bookshelf was made by Helborne and released as a modders resource so reuse is permitted.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:07 pm

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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:12 pm

I looks like JDFan's file may solve your immediate problem. However for future reference, you can easily create a door for Oblivion from scratch in Blender. The necessary steps were outlined in a post here a couple of weeks ago. See:
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