I like ma Jackal, i used it alot during SP campaign, works well on MP for quick face to face meetings, i'd guess the underuse is the range, people love to schnipe, even with AR's
3 or 4 bar, you are set. Anything else? Garbage. I've seen vids where people take other people down w/ one effing shot. ONE EFFING SHOT! It takes me at least 4 or 5 to down someone on 1-bar. It's absolutely ridiculous. If that weren't the case, I'd be all over the shotties!
3 or 4 bar, you are set. Anything else? Garbage. I've seen vids where people take other people down w/ one effing shot. ONE EFFING SHOT! It takes me at least 4 or 5 to down someone on 1-bar. It's absolutely ridiculous. If that weren't the case, I'd be all over the shotties!
I don't have this problem with the jackal but the marshal I do, I went on a rampage with it lots of 1 shots next game even 4 shots wouldn't drop anyone.