[WIP]/[REL] Mai (Companian and New Cell complete with servic

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:00 pm

EDIT: Might help if i add a link eh? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35750


I won't go into huge detail because i've quoted what i've put on TesNexus.

This is the first morrowind mod i have released to the public, as i have yet to learn the proper etiquette to making and sharing i'd like some willing individuals to test it for me to make sure i saved it off correctly and that it functions. Obviously whether you have the time and effort is up to you but any feedback on my first mod would be great.

Obviously this isn't anywhere near as amazing as those who are modelling/texturing/scriptwriting/programming and all that but as a newbie to modding you gotta start somewhere and i've chosen this.

Enjoy and i look forward to any comments, suggestions and critique anyone might have.


KK / KoR

Adds a Female Khajiit Companian (Based on Grumpy's companian v3.1) and a new interior cell with vast transporting services and special merchants.


The only requirements i'm aware that this will need is

Westly's Master Headpack X


Hey, this is my first Morrowind mod that i've deemed worthy enough to realise.

It's nothing especially new as i'm sure someone else may have done a similar thing before but i did this mainly for my own personal use and then decided to realise it to see how others like it or not.

It started as just a personalized companian mod, but now it's main function is quick and easy transport to all of the main cities/towns and settlements in Vvardenfell.

I have added a transport to Mournhold too but havn't got around to setting one up to Solstheim and probably won't because i have a transport to Khuul.

The new Interior Cell consists of a large open room (which still looks a bit bare and out of place IMO) and in this room are a selection of NPC's which all have the Travel option. (i've tried to make it look Lore friendly and not just a cheat room but some may disagree)



1 Companian called Mai (located in Seyda Neen)
She can transport you directly to "Mai's Base" (new cell)

In this cell you will find

12 new NPC's entitled "Guides"
Each dressed to suit the kinds of places they can take you to.
Example: Ashlander Guide is dressed in Chitin Armor and can take you to the 4 Ashlander Tribe Camps.
Example: Hlaalu Guide is dressed like a Hlaalu guard and can take you to the Hlaalu settlements ie. Balmora, Suran, Dren Plantation and Odai Plateau (where you get your manor)

(i've covered pretty much all the civilized locations)

2 special Merchants consisting of:

An incredibly rich Steam Centurion who altho has nothing to sell will gladly buy any weapons and armor you bring him.
(i did this because selling to Creatures gives you the exact value of gold in return and i was sick of selling to creeper with his measly 5000 gold and having to spend all my time resting to refresh his purse)

A Scamp who has no money, so will not buy from you but sells a vast range of tools including alchemical apparatus, picks, probes and repair hammers. (i also included the Secret Master versions of all these because i had never found them in game) Again because he is a creature there will be NO HAGGLING... you will have to pay full price for everything, which makes those secret master items not easy to get still... unless your rich, or cheat...

1 ghost who's only purpose was to sell a few mysticism spells that i personally find Vital and wanted somewhere to access them quickly.


I currently have only done some very MINOR dialogue with Mai, and the 3 creature merchants. I have yet to add any form of storyline or personality to any of the NPC's. the 12 travel vendors all act like normal NPC's and are not attached to any quests.


As a closing note, this is still a Work In Progress, which i may or may not expand on as i've currently got it to a good working stage (as far as i know)

If you find you like this mod or would like to adapt it, expand on it however you like, that is fine by me just make sure you give credit where it's due. Both to Grumpy and Emma for the Companian Base which i built Mai with, and to me for setting up the initial concept of this mod.

Also if there are any glaringly obvious cockups i've made please tell me as i'll be glad to fix them.

And if anyone has any suggestions that they would like to see in this mod that fits what i'm doing with it, please offer up and i shall see if i can do it.

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Olga Xx
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:27 am

Just out of interest, i've added some screens to Tesnexus so you can get an idea of what it looks like before you download it.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:55 pm

Looks interesting. :thumbsup:
Really wish that Westly's Master Headpack X, fine as it is, was not a requirement.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:25 am

Looks interesting. :thumbsup:
Really wish that Westly's Master Headpack X, fine as it is, was not a requirement.

well the only reason i've put it as a requirement is that ive used his heads for the npc's.... i know thats a bit foolish of me but as i was making it initially for my own personal use, thats how its turned out...

sorry, if it gets really annoying to alot of people i guess i could make a version with vanilla heads.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:48 am

sorry, if it gets really annoying to alot of people i guess i could make a version with vanilla heads.

You still can ask him for permission to use his heads, if it's granted then you can just locate them in your data folder and add them to your own mod. (*Always* rename resources from other mods so it won't cause unwanted interferences or overwrite the originals).
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:23 pm

well the only reason i've put it as a requirement is that ive used his heads for the npc's.... i know thats a bit foolish of me but as i was making it initially for my own personal use, thats how its turned out...

sorry, if it gets really annoying to alot of people i guess i could make a version with vanilla heads.

If you PM Westly and request a specific head and hair he may be kind enough to help - he has been generous in the past with sharing faces

Likewise if there is anything in my face packs you like you are welcome to use those

Congratulations on the first release - nice idea having the guides wearing appropriate clothing :trophy:
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:13 am

Thank you,

although i'm still waiting for anyone to get back to me and tell me it works okay on their end... i'm paranoid ive made a big cockup in cleaning, packing and submiting it (idle paranoia)

and good point on the heads, if i get alot of interest in this then i may very well do that. still needs a bit of work imo and i can't help but feel there is some element missing, other than some character building in the NPC's
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Chris Jones
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:18 pm

I loaded this up (both in the CS and in-game) and I must say it's a pretty good first mod.

You've got a few bleeder and floaters to fix, but otherwise the layout looks fine. The ashlander guide for instance is up to his knees in the floor. :)
I like the way you not only have the guides wearing the proper clothing for the area they take you, but having the area around them look like it too. Nice touch.
You also might want to throw a script on the doors to make them inactive if they're not going to go anywhere. :) That or replace them with a static version using the same model.

Technically the .esp isn't dependent on Westly's headpack (as far as the CS is concerned) but since I run it as well I wouldn't expect to see any errors. It was a little disconcerting to see a headless Khajiit (I didn't load the headpack with this mod but it didn't cause an error other than the missing head ). :)

Overall a pretty good job. I look forward to seeing it progress. :thumbsup:

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:55 am

yay for feedback! ^_^

thanks muchly!

And yes i did already spot a few things that need moving so they arent stuck in the floor, though oddly the ashlander guide is fine on my version.

Duely noted on the doors also. Because i hadn't planned on using them i hadnt even taken into mind to test them or anything.

I'm making a list of alterations to make and once i think ive got them all i'll do another release, a beta so to speak. then i might think about adding proper dialogue. I'm still learning and experimenting by observing other peoples mods and Vanilla content.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:34 am

yay for feedback! ^_^

thanks muchly!

And yes i did already spot a few things that need moving so they arent stuck in the floor, though oddly the ashlander guide is fine on my version.

Duely noted on the doors also. Because i hadn't planned on using them i hadnt even taken into mind to test them or anything.

I'm making a list of alterations to make and once i think ive got them all i'll do another release, a beta so to speak. then i might think about adding proper dialogue. I'm still learning and experimenting by observing other peoples mods and Vanilla content.

NPCs ( as well as creatures) are usually best placed a little above the floor. This keeps them from falling through the floor. If they are placed flat on the floor, sometimes they load slightly before the floor and fall through. I'd recommend at least 4 units above the floor. Then when they load (when you enter the cell) they simply drop to the floor. :)

You now officially have modder's disease. Welcome to the club. :)

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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:07 am

sounds really cool.

it'd be easy to change the heads in a separate plugin though? probably take half an hour, but otherwise it sound like a good idea, though companions aren't my type of mod, the game looks more sinister without them :P
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:22 pm

Things i'm adding for the next installment.

A. I've decided to add a few more Creature Merchants, each only dealing in certain items. I'm doing this for 2 reasons.

1. Because i have a slight case of OCD, i like to have things all neatly seperated up into catergories. ^_^

2. I've been thinkin on this idea more and more since i started this, i don't really know how to explain it how it is in my mind but i'll try.

When i got near end game, and i hate copious piles of $#!^ all holed up somewhere just incase i decided to use it one day, and it ended up just sitting there when its actually worth quite a bit of cash. yet i would never sell it because it would involve losing money if i ever decided to buy it back or i might forget where i sold it.

So! I'm beginning to look at these creatures as... rental stores... so to speak... you sell them your finds for the exact amount, and if you so happen to discover you need it later you can buy it back for the same price. That way you never lose your items or money needlessly.

Maybe this only makes sense in my mind but then i never said you have to use my mod in the same way i do.

B. I'm adding some... what you might call "God Items" to one of the creature merchants. But as i intend on setting their price at a "godlike" high, i dont see these as cheat items... more as "end game toys".

My reason for this is that when i reached end game i had piles of cash, and nothing to spend it on other than training... and enchanting... and i spent most of that time trying to make my own "god items" and because of the enchantment limitations it always ended being something i hated... like an ugly helmet or shield that i really didnt want.

So this way i see the potential for having some fun once you've already completed the majority of quests. The high prices should make sure they aren't obtainable at the beginning of the game and so shouldnt be cheat items... and if someone is that determined to cheat they'll just console in some cash to buy them :P.

With these two things in mind, on top of the transit system i've set up. I guess what i've been unintentionally making is a kind of Hub/Nexus... much like you might find on other games. A place where you keep returning to, to get upgrades and move onto the next level, so to speak.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:54 am

ive uploaded 3 short videos to TESNexus showing some of the new things ive added in the 2.0beta that i'll be uploading shortly..

also as the main part of the mod now revolves around this new base of operations, ive renamed the mod "Mai companion and The Nexus Project"
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George PUluse
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:17 am


This one is a vast improvement on 1.0

i've added/adjusted and fixed alot in 2.0b

More personality, better mood. Improved dialogue, new characters. "New" items etc...

I have my good friend Aulakauss helping me with the dialogue now so the next installment will more than likely be focused on getting the dialogue sorted.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:34 pm

My own quiet suggestion it to post it on PlanetEldarScrolls too.

I never go to TES for Morrowind mods, their site os really poorly designed and so obviously favors Oblivion mods to Morrowind ones.
Always good to increase expose ;)
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:26 pm

Ahh yes, that would be a good idea thanks for that :D

EDIT: As i've more or less completely changed the direction and name of this mod i'm going to post up a fresh topic for use in linking on my download pages

so i wont be using this one any more.
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Leanne Molloy
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