Though in Oblivion I never tried it, in Fallout and Fallout New Vegas putting my finds and things decorativley around my home(s) was one of my favorite parts of the game. Aside from books on a bookshelf or swords on a plaque I can't put anything else around my home. It's rediculously hard even to put pots back on tables that I've knocked off I spent up to a half an hour just trying to get my glow bug in a jar on an end table what's so different that tihs had become so difficult. I don't think I'm alone in my home decorating addiction lol. What say you!
Seconded. I tried sticking a Statute of Dibella on my table in Whiterun, managed it, only to find that all items I place get randomly distributed around the house whenever I come back. WAT? My Megaton Shack was a museum of ridiculously powerful weaponry! What is this!
It seems they changed the grab system so instead of grabbing an object from the corner it seems to grab them from the center and rips them towards you, really svcks I know v_v
I feel the same way. Decorating is very important to people who like to buy houses or roleplay. Please sort this out Bethesda! I took me 20 minutes to attempt to get a pot back on to my shelf, to then give up and threw it away. Stop making us all miss Oblivion.
It still worth having the storage space yes, there's no way you can carry all the stuff you want and if you store it on bodies or in chests outside of your home they can be looted by NPC's.
I don't see a problem with pressing an extra button while dropping to enable Morrowind style placement. Also a physics slider so I can edit the level of item tornados when I enter a room.
It does seem like they've gone backwards in this regards (just with the placement bit). I wonder why they decided to make it more difficult to do? I mean, they fixed the problem with placing books, so why go backwards in other aspects? Seems odd to me.
In regards to bookshelf placement, I think a simialr system for tables would be nice. Where I can drag and drop items onto a graphical image of a table or something.
It does seem like they've gone backwards in this regards (just with the placement bit). I wonder why they decided to make it more difficult to do? I mean, they fixed the problem with placing books, so why go backwards in other aspects? Seems odd to me.
Yeah this needs to be modded, it seems much harder than in other games. If you can do it with bookshelves and racks there's no real reason why you shouldn't be able to do it with empty tables or shelves.
Yeah I truly dislike the new system. I spent like 15 mins placing the Dibella statue on top of the safe and trying to get it facing the right way, only to come back with it lying on the floor... And with that problem, they don't sort the chest like an inventory. So it's a complete mess no matter what you want to do.
i would love to be able to place items , as i could in Oblivion, i loved doing that, and when you got back to your house, everything was still in place, IE not Scattered around