Why Crysis 2 is not popular

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:39 am

In my opinion, Cloak.

I think the Cloak function turns off new players immediately. The majority of the time I get killed is when I uncloak for a split second to kill someone and someone behind me that I didnt see shoots me in the back. I'm not complaining, thats just the nature of the game, especially when you play by yourself.

I imagine thats the experience of alot of new players. They got sick of getting shot in the back by people they couldnt see and they gave up on the game, rather than spend the time to learn the game and get better.

I know that alot of my kills come from cloaking, running/jumping behind someone (someone who is not using cloak) and shooting them in the back.

I personally like the cloak function, it adds a tactical, cat and mouse element to the gameplay. If you got rid of it you would be betraying the series, and you would not attract the more hardcoe fans who have got over the learning curve (like people on this forum)

However if you wanted to attract a large player base I think cloak would have to go. I would be interested to see how the game would play without cloak, I think it could be pretty fun, and accessable. If you attracted more players, the problems of lag would diminish as well.

Just my opinion, what you think?
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:31 pm

I disagree. I think most people like the cloak. It's one of the very few likeable things about the game.

It's the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitches, and hackers combined with Crytek's refusal to fix the game or even communicate with us that is turning people away.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:23 pm

I disagree. I think most people like the cloak. It's one of the very few likeable things about the game.

It's the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitches, and hackers combined with Crytek's refusal to fix the game or even communicate with us that is turning people away.

Well if the scores I've been getting lately are anything to go by, there are alot of people who need to like it alot more. playing against new players is like shooting fish in a barrell. Judging from your stats (Negative K/D, Played 60 games, Won 3) you need to like it more too!!)

I agree most people who have stuck with the game like cloak, but i would suggest the people who tried it, went 3-18 there first 5 games and said "**** this im going back to CoD" dont.

bugs and glitches haven't affected my enjoyment of the game much at all. i am yet to see hackers in game and im Level 50
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:48 am

Personaly i dont mind the cloak module, ofcourse the few times when im on a good dog tag streak and i get ''Taken from behind'' (TWSS) by a cloaked player it can really irritate me. But like you said it adds a different feel to the game.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:44 pm

It's the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitches, and hackers combined with Crytek's refusal to fix the game or even communicate with us that is turning people away.

That is pretty much a huge part.

The community is small as it is. Crytek are literally not even checking forums, or giving minimal posts. I don't think cloak has much to do with the the popularity.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:32 am

ive tryed getting friends into the game myself and the shield and cloak def turned them off the game.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:28 am

Judging from your stats (Negative K/D, Played 60 games, Won 3) you need to like it more too!!)

Most of my games were Instant Action free-for-alls where there can only be one winner. I only ever won one of those. More recently I've been playing Crash Site, and got the other 2 wins there. I admit that I'm not very good at this game or FPS games in general, apart from Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (which I'd say I'm very good at) and Homefront. Dedicated servers make a big difference! Lag is one of the worst problems with this game and CoD.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:06 am

Its because nobody knows about it :/ If i talk to any of my friends or schoolmates about it there all like lol wtf is crysis?? stop playing that and come to mw2/black ops! ;/ doesnt help crysis 1 was pc exclusive means even less people know about it :/
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:30 am

It's the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitches, and hackers combined with Crytek's refusal to fix the game or even communicate with us that is turning people away.

That is pretty much a huge part.

The community is small as it is. Crytek are literally not even checking forums, or giving minimal posts. I don't think cloak has much to do with the the popularity.

Thr problem is you are never going to be able to find out exactly why from people who tried the game and sold it or traded, why they didnt stick with it, because people like that would never join the official crysis forums.

When i first started playing i did not use cloak very much and i was really struggling to get a positive K/D. It was frustrating.

My K/D now is above 2 and goes up every time i play.

I'll finish a game thinking i went ****, look at the score board and find i still had a 3-4 KDR.

I've thought about why I am so much more successful in this game than others, Its got nothing to do with me being particularly skilfull. its pretty much all to do with me using cloak ALOT, and people i play against walking around uncloaked being easy pickings.

If you are new and dont realise the importanc of cloak, going 3-18 every game, your likely going to give up well before you even encounter that many "glitches/bugs"
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:21 am

Hey, everyone - finally picked this game up. I find the multplayer fantastic. At first the cloak think turned me off, but like SUNNY_LEGUNA said once you learn how to use it strategically your enjoyment of the game increases dramatically. The depth of of the online portion really amazes with all the load outs and customization. How is this game not more popular?

If anyone is looking to help up a noob and form a sqaud feel free to send a friend Invite. I'm not ultra competitive or anything - of course I like to win, but more importantly I play games for fun. PSN: TragHIP
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:23 pm

even tho i am just a casual crysis 2 player, my advice for new players that HATE cloak whores would be CLOAK TRACKER upgrade 3, this baby makes them pretty much visible. takes a while to get 3 tho but its worth it. and if you hate butt buddies, i would say energy transfer 3 upgrade 3. if you kill a player it will fully recharge suit and you should LAUNCH yourself into the air and spin around, most likely someone is there. oh and dont shoot in stealth it usually ends bad. instead activate armor mode, i would try to give it a few seconds to fully activate and use armor enhance as it slows energy drain from bullets, except k-volt. if you run and gun iwould suggest proximity alarm, once it activates, engage cloak to get the drop on them. thats all i can think of.....who here thinks stealh kill is **** how it doesn't always work and if it does, we are left wide open due to animation. P.S i know this reply is hard on the eyes because of no paragraphs and what not..SORRY, i did this with the ps3 browser
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:30 pm

theres many reasons why crysis 2 isnt popular anymore but i can tell you its not the cloak or shield. thats what makes this fps stand out from other games in this genre. the problem was this game didnt give you much incentive to play. the leaderboards were glitched at the beginning so when you rebooted you lost all your kills and wins. even though they fixed this theres still the glitch that resets your stats if you play private matches. party system still broken so playing with more than two friends is a joke. still get stuck in lobbies. no sound in game is now annoying as he11. with all these issues you can see why people just moved on. i think leaderboard issues did it for me. so i guess the word of the day would be incentive.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:03 pm

I don't think the vast majority of online players are terribly worried about their position in online leader boards, since the vast majority are not in a position worh worrying about.

I haven't had my stats reset, none of my friends did either, but none of them play it anymore. i ask them why they didn't like it, and the answer was inevitably "invisibility is cheap"

Also the upgraded suit modules give experienced players a huge boost over people just starting. There is definitely a steeper learning curve in C2 compared to more popular shooters, and its mostly about the use of energy and cloak. With stealth enhance III and mobility enhance III you can just run rampant over the battlefield, invisible and pick off newbies who have run out of energy or dont know to use cloak.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:25 pm

I just got this and I enjoy it because I'm SO good at black ops that I wanted to change the pace an this game is definetly that I did bad like 2 times then got back to my cod mode lol but I still like it its more challenging but peope need to stop colmplaining whether its cod/bf/crysis everyone complains about something no game is goin to be perfect an its hard enough to make the games they do sometimes they can't interact an fix as fast as they wanted too
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:57 am

Yeah cloak is the reason why I don`t like this game as much as could. And this is one of the main reasons why I prefer Killzone3 on my PS3 and Homefront on my PC.

And I`m not a hater - I bought Crysis 2 both on PC and PS3, I did that first time in my life (mainly because performance on my PC was far from satysfying ;) , but still- I like this game, I`m just thinking it could be better without that feature ).
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:46 am

It's the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitches, and hackers combined with Crytek's refusal to fix the game or even communicate with us that is turning people away.
I agree most people who have stuck with the game like cloak, but i would suggest the people who tried it, went 3-18 there first 5 games and said "**** this im going back to CoD" dont.
Same thing happened to myself and almost backed off - but realized how sick and awesome this game can really be and improved a bit. and the gamesas.com service is phenomenal
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:12 pm

I like the stealth feature, but it is very frustrating when 8 out of 10 times when you de-cloak, there is someone behind you.

It's like, I'm cloaked and see someone, I take aim, de-cloak, and get shot in the back.
I have never been shot in the back so often in a first person shooter before.

I cloaked a lot in my early games, and one day decided to change my strategy. I wouldn't use cloak at all, I would use armor constantly and run around as much as possible shooting and meleeing people. I had a really good game, and I think I finished 2nd, I can't remember.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:24 pm

Unfortunately, multiplayer is quite chaotic and annoying. Game is full of cheap kills, I don`t know how often I shot someone in the back or being shot by other player, but it was way too often. Sometimes I really enjoy playing it, but sometimes it`s very frustrating, almost the same like CoD (I hate this series). Problem is not just with stealth, something with the whole concept is just wrong. Superpowers are sometimes cool, but sometimes feel unbalanced, maps looks great but sometimes I have a feeling they are not good for multiplayer. Arsenal is too small, there are only 3 assault rifles and SCAR and SCARAB are almost the same. Oh and don`t buy DLC`s - I bought Decimation and no one playing it. New weapon - FY71 is also not too interesting. But somehow I just can`t stop playing this game. I finished campaign twice and I don`t have enough of Crysis2. Graphic is so beautiful, sound is outstanding and soundtrack is the best I`ve heard in a game. I love this game, but I don`t know how long it will last.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:48 pm

People probably shoot you in the back from like 3m away because it is easy to loose track of you when you are cloaked and you can just unexpectatly turn a corner and loose them. It is hard to kill a cloaked person when far away. There are also not enough places up high and the ones that are make it hard for you to hit snipers. Other FPS games make it easy to shoot someone from far away half the time. That is probably why some people left this game.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:04 am

Some people don't like Crysis 2 because of the complicated storyline. Personally, I think that so far the story in the game is great. However, it was a bit confusing at first. People just like to play games like Black Ops, only because it is far more realistic than Crysis 2 in terms of gadgets and stuff. I know friends who think that Crysis 2 is stupid because of the cloaking and armor feature. So really, it has to do with people who like playing games that are a little fantasy, or people who like playing games that are based on wars that we are in right now.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:20 am

I think that the multiplayer on Crysis 2 with the special powers adds a great touch to the game though.
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