I think the Cloak function turns off new players immediately. The majority of the time I get killed is when I uncloak for a split second to kill someone and someone behind me that I didnt see shoots me in the back. I'm not complaining, thats just the nature of the game, especially when you play by yourself.
I imagine thats the experience of alot of new players. They got sick of getting shot in the back by people they couldnt see and they gave up on the game, rather than spend the time to learn the game and get better.
I know that alot of my kills come from cloaking, running/jumping behind someone (someone who is not using cloak) and shooting them in the back.
I personally like the cloak function, it adds a tactical, cat and mouse element to the gameplay. If you got rid of it you would be betraying the series, and you would not attract the more hardcoe fans who have got over the learning curve (like people on this forum)
However if you wanted to attract a large player base I think cloak would have to go. I would be interested to see how the game would play without cloak, I think it could be pretty fun, and accessable. If you attracted more players, the problems of lag would diminish as well.
Just my opinion, what you think?