I got the eastern EU version of the game.
I was a little angry that it will be different from the worldwide one (again, as it was with FO3) but seeming that I can play everything all right and in english (i HATE localized games) I could accept it.
But, a new patch got released, and my Steam won't update my game, as if Steam, or the publisher, ( :whistling: ) hasn't done anything yet to patch this game.
I could take that as just a little annoying thing, but I found out that I won't be able to use the more complex mods, as they require NVSE, which newest version is NOT compatible with mine (1.1.something) version, and this time, I'm seriously PISSED OFF
So please, Bethesda\Obsidian, do something to help one of your customers

EDIT: Don't ask me about if I messed with my game settings so it won't update itself.
I didn't, I use Steam for 5 years now, and know how to deal with it.