Rationalising the lack of recorded character history

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:20 am

Man some people really feel the need to to conjure up some crazy stuff.

My guy had no history because maybe he wasn't important at all. Maybe he was a Breton Librarian for some trashy used book store, or got lost and trespassed into Skyrim on his way home from picking berries. It doesn't really matter though because as soon as he became the Dragonborn he basically became a holocaust of murder with a tad bit of horse mistreatment (Uses their hides to upgrade his gear).
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:00 pm

My character is the reincarnated avatar of the God of Champions, also known only as "Player-Character" or PC for short. All of his avatars are also named Guy. It makes things simple for me, and I get to enjoy the game instead of thinking up useless RP stuff. yay me.
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naome duncan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:55 am

Hey guys,

We all know that there is little to no accurate information ever recorded in TES about the actions of the player character from previous games. There are obvious reasons why this is in reality. But from an RP stand point how do you rationalise it?

Personally here's how I go about it.

My character in Skyrim, is the same Character as I had in Morrowind all those years ago, the exact same. He is ancient. His soul was set aside by the gods at the end of his life (I've a massive back story about him.) after a pledge he made. The Gods call apon his services in times of need, once his usefulness has come to an end, he is returned to the void.
When he is called apon, he doesn't know why, he doesn't know where he is. All he knows is that there is some serious issue that needs tending to, and its upto him to find what that is.

This is why he can have the impact on Nirn and Tamriel he does, and yet his actions are never recorded in detail.

Does anyone have a similar method?

So kind of like an Elder Scrolls version of Quantum Leap? :wink:
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:54 pm

If I'm really in the mood, and if I have the time. I'll make a backstory connecting the heroes of Morroind, Oblinvion and Skyrim.

For example:

One of my old morrownd characters was a nord by the name of Wulfgar Stormrage. He hooked up with the female nord who ran the fighters guild in balmora. He fell in battle in Akavir.

They had a kid, Goron Stormrage. Who turned out to be the Champion of Cyrodill/ Sheogorath. He hooked up with Jensine in the imperial city, before leaving for the shivering isles and disappearing forever.

My current character in skyrim Odin Stormrage is a descendant of both previous characters.

So basically he comes from greatness. (ie. Nerevarine, COC/ Sheogorath and Dragonborn).

I made the OB crisis take place 20 years after mw instead of 10. So my ob character was 20 yrs old not 10.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:55 am

Man some people really feel the need to to conjure up some crazy stuff.

My guy had no history because maybe he wasn't important at all. Maybe he was a Breton Librarian for some trashy used book store, or got lost and trespassed into Skyrim on his way home from picking berries. It doesn't really matter though because as soon as he became the Dragonborn he basically became a holocaust of murder with a tad bit of horse mistreatment (Uses their hides to upgrade his gear).

I don't feel compelled. I just find it amusing.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:36 am

So kind of like an Elder Scrolls version of Quantum Leap? :wink:

That totaly just blew my mind. Thats basicaly what we're doing when we play TES. We take over some dudes life and save the world. =O
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:12 pm

Hey guys,

We all know that there is little to no accurate information ever recorded in TES about the actions of the player character from previous games. There are obvious reasons why this is in reality. But from an RP stand point how do you rationalise it?

Personally here's how I go about it.

My character in Skyrim, is the same Character as I had in Morrowind all those years ago, the exact same. He is ancient. His soul was set aside by the gods at the end of his life (I've a massive back story about him.) after a pledge he made. The Gods call apon his services in times of need, once his usefulness has come to an end, he is returned to the void.
When he is called apon, he doesn't know why, he doesn't know where he is. All he knows is that there is some serious issue that needs tending to, and its upto him to find what that is.

This is why he can have the impact on Nirn and Tamriel he does, and yet his actions are never recorded in detail.

Does anyone have a similar method?

You can play that way you want to play. But for me your method kills the lore for my gameplay. I can not be the same person I was in Morrowind. The Nerevarine went to Akavir after the blight ended and the Champion of Cyrodiil became Sheogorath after the Oblivion Crisis. Now 200 years later I am a different character, Hence The Dragonborn.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:05 am

OP, although I like your RP backstory, I wouldn't use it myself. When I RP, I want my character to have a vested interest in the world he saves. I've thought about RPing an immortal, but then I'd feel "expected" to succeed. As a mere mortal, it's a more epic accomplishment to succeed, and that makes it more of an accomplishment.

I'm not a lore-buff, but what's the timeline between the events of Morrowind, Oblivion, and now Skyrim? Couldn't an elf race feasibly still be alive (naturally) throughout those years?

For myself, I'm RPing 3 characters:

- Ex-Imperial Battlemage that escapes to Skyrim to start a new life.

- Nord warrior from Bruma, never been to Skyrim, had visions of Akatosh calling him North. Conflicted, he must choose to fight for either his home (Cyrodiil), or his blood (Skyrim). He's the personification of the Imperial/Nordic conflict.

- Powerful Altmer Wizard from the Imperial City. He travels to Skyrim to turn the tide of the war in favor of the Aldmeri Dominion, but may have a change of heart.

I like playing a Nord, because they have the most at stake in Skyrim. Imperials are vanilla, but they also have a pivotal role in Skyrim's events. Altmer are the reason for this war, so their race is also vastly influential in Tamriel.

I feel that all other races make less compelling RP characters in Skyrim due to their lack of involvement in Skyrim's events.

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