Walking faster

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:04 am

Is there any way to increase the walking speed of my character? I know I could run or sprint from place to place, but to me that just doesn't seem natural. I want my character to walk as much as possible but his walking speed is maddenly slow. I noticed that many npc's in the game walk alot faster. Thanks.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:05 pm

Console or PC?
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:40 am

Ya this is something I'd like to know as well. I think I read that in the console you can change both walk/run speeds to either be faster or slower but I don't know if you can change them individually.

I personally would like to walk a bit faster and leave run speed the same.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:20 am

other than a some sort of code change, not that I know of. nothing "in game"

u walk much in real life? just kiidding. there is a reason people don't walk and walk walk. I don't see a difference between your character moving faster but still walking, or your character moving faster and calling it running. moving way faster than NPCs even "wallking" WOULD NOT BE NATURAL. :)
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:42 pm

Is there any way to increase the walking speed of my character? I know I could run or sprint from place to place, but to me that just doesn't seem natural. I want my character to walk as much as possible but his walking speed is maddenly slow. I noticed that many npc's in the game walk alot faster. Thanks.

Yes there is BUT there's a catch. In the console you type:

player.modav speedmult #

Choose a #. The default is 100. Add a positive or negative # to increase or diminish the speed but unfortunately it affects everything(running, sprint, walking) Btw, you need to sprint or move in stealth mode in order to activate the change.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:58 pm

other than a some sort of code change, not that I know of. nothing "in game"

u walk much in real life? just kiidding. there is a reason people don't walk and walk walk. I don't see a difference between your character moving faster but still walking, or your character moving faster and calling it running. moving way faster than NPCs even "wallking" WOULD NOT BE NATURAL. :)

Well the difference is that currently in-game when you're running it can sometimes be hard to take everything in as you move past it all so quickly. I like to move slowly through the environments sometimes. The current walk-speed in the game is really really slow and a small increase would be nice. No one's asking to move way faster than npc's.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:16 am

other than a some sort of code change, not that I know of. nothing "in game"

u walk much in real life? just kiidding. there is a reason people don't walk and walk walk. I don't see a difference between your character moving faster but still walking, or your character moving faster and calling it running. moving way faster than NPCs even "wallking" WOULD NOT BE NATURAL. :)

I'm not asking to walk faster than the npc's in the game. I at least would like to walk as fast as them though. They walk a lot faster than I do.

I am playing on a PC, BTW.
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