Alright so I'm about 40 hours or so in on my other character and I decided I wanted to try the Khajit out since it seems like the claw perk would be pretty cool. And well.. It seems like everything is written in stone in front of me but I have a question has anyone else tried using a Khajit with its claws only?? It seems super pointless.. I get no experience from using my claws and I'll remain at the same level for a long time it seems.. and no perks to go with it as well?? Just a measly heavy armor perk for wearing gauntlets?? Has anyone else tried this or is it really as stupid as it seems.. Seems very pointless for Bethesda to give the Khajits there racial skill of plus claw damage when you can't even really play through the whole game with it... What do you guys think??
I dont think the claws are intended to be used through the entire game. the claws cause the Khajiit's unarmed damage to be 16. which is much higher than any other weapon in early game.
I once killed a normal dragon with mostly my claws (70%maybe, i used magic too, and healing, lots of it), too bad i didn't get a finishing move. :sadvaultboy: Its fun but not really useful for anything outside of brawls.
I mentioned that earlier in the post.. I just found it not appealing for the simple fact that it doesen't help my character progress in any way.. in the vein of combat... I just sort of stay the same.. all I can hope to get my levels up are some sneaking and maybe some light armor hits lol.. Not really mad.. it just seems like a really overlooked point that Bethesda did.. I don't get the logic behind it at all..
I mentioned that earlier in the post.. I just found it not appealing for the simple fact that it doesen't help my character progress in any way.. in the vein of combat... I just sort of stay the same.. all I can hope to get my levels up are some sneaking and maybe some light armor hits lol.. Not really mad.. it just seems like a really overlooked point that Bethesda did.. I don't get the logic behind it at all..
Because the racials are based off of racial flavour rather than practicality.
However, if you have the Heavy armour perk that adds damage to your unarmed plus gloves that do the can easily create a really nasty unarmed kitty.